Loud Noises

Does anybody have any experience with noise and anger?

Loud noises can sometimes send me into an absolute rage. Its not all noises, I like music and even like it loud sometimes. But other noises such as ice-cream van chimes or church bells affect me very badly. I don’t know if its an ASD thing or a normal reaction to sounds I don’t like.

I used to just try and ignore it and carry on, but I think I am getting less tolerant as I am getting older. I used to just try and push through it and carry on, but now even the tannoy in a supermarket makes me have to leave my shopping and go home.

  • Yes, many of the sounds people have mentioned are awful. I am surprised nobody has mentioned car alarms. I have been driven to such fury over car alarms I have seriously wanted to take a battle axe and smash the car up until it stopped the noise! Reasons I didn't include it being the middle of night and not wanting to be found roaming the streets searching for the culprit half dressed and raging, which would not work out well for me whether or not I actually managed to inflict criminal damage on the car. And that I don't actually like damaging things.

    A sound I loathe which is increasingly common in the background music of youtube videos I otherwise enjoy is finger snapping. Ugh. Why?! Not overly keen on percussive sounds anyway. Vastly prefer videos which don't have background music. Very few actually have music I like. I so wish they would make tech which can turn off the background music! Surely we are capable of it? But I guess there is not enough demand.

    And recently youtube has started making a horrible loud sound when starting up, but not all the time, slightly less than half i reckon, so I keep thinking they have stopped, and then there it is again! Bad enough if it was consistent, then I could get into the habit of starting it on mute, but I am very bad at remembering that kind of thing, especially if it is not every time.

    Leaf blowers. Extra annoying as it is far better for nature to leave the leaves! Why do they have to mow the park behind my house at 6.30 am while I am still asleep? And why are bin collections so early, especially the glass one?

    Oh, I've written a longer post than I expected, guess this one triggered me a bit, haha! Looks like the answer to your question is a resounding yes!

  • Yes, many of the sounds people have mentioned are awful. I am surprised nobody has mentioned car alarms. I have been driven to such fury over car alarms I have seriously wanted to take a battle axe and smash the car up until it stopped the noise! Reasons I didn't include it being the middle of night and not wanting to be found roaming the streets searching for the culprit half dressed and raging, which would not work out well for me whether or not I actually managed to inflict criminal damage on the car. And that I don't actually like damaging things.

    A sound I loathe which is increasingly common in the background music of youtube videos I otherwise enjoy is finger snapping. Ugh. Why?! Not overly keen on percussive sounds anyway. Vastly prefer videos which don't have background music. Very few actually have music I like. I so wish they would make tech which can turn off the background music! Surely we are capable of it? But I guess there is not enough demand.

    And recently youtube has started making a horrible loud sound when starting up, but not all the time, slightly less than half i reckon, so I keep thinking they have stopped, and then there it is again! Bad enough if it was consistent, then I could get into the habit of starting it on mute, but I am very bad at remembering that kind of thing, especially if it is not every time.

    Leaf blowers. Extra annoying as it is far better for nature to leave the leaves! Why do they have to mow the park behind my house at 6.30 am while I am still asleep? And why are bin collections so early, especially the glass one?

    Oh, I've written a longer post than I expected, guess this one triggered me a bit, haha! Looks like the answer to your question is a resounding yes!

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