Sensory issues

Hello all. 

I'm awaiting an assessment for diagnosis, it's a 27 month wait list and my god am I struggling. I find my main struggles are sounds. I'm struggling to sleep because things are waking me, cars on the road, dogs barking, others in the house moving around.....the smallest of things. I've got white noise playing when I sleep and also sometimes have ear plugs in. If I'm at home and sat watching TV etc and I hear a dog bark, loud car pass my house etc it really triggers me, I can only describe it as making me feel ill and angry. I hate these feelings. Not sure what I can do. There's a list of other things too but the sounds is definitely the worst! Any advice would be so appreciated 



  • My sensory issues are mostly with clothes bothering my skin. Like I wear shorts over long pants whenever I can, even in the cold weather. If it gets below freezing, I will wear either sweat pants or smooth trousers/dockers. I cannot and do not wear jeans. The feeling of jeans bothers my skin as does wearing long pants when it is above 40 degrees Farenight (Im from the states)

    Luckily my office job is lax and im allowed to wear shorts to work. My old job wasnt, so i would always come in in the morning wearing shorts and then change to long trousers, then end of day, change back to shorts. But my new office job allows shorts so I am lucky. I often thought it was unfair that women are allowed to wear short skirts with bare legs even in an office or to formal event, while men are stuck with long pants. Fashion wise no option for men other than long pants. But I care about comfort not fashion.

    Also I wear shorts at socially inappropirate settings like a funeral, I do not dress like a slob, I wear a nice black collared shirt and black kakhi shorts, but still stick out. And others do not understand its my autism tactile issues, they assume I am just being rude. 

  • My sensory issues are mostly with clothes bothering my skin. Like I wear shorts over long pants whenever I can, even in the cold weather. If it gets below freezing, I will wear either sweat pants or smooth trousers/dockers. I cannot and do not wear jeans. The feeling of jeans bothers my skin as does wearing long pants when it is above 40 degrees Farenight (Im from the states)

    Luckily my office job is lax and im allowed to wear shorts to work. My old job wasnt, so i would always come in in the morning wearing shorts and then change to long trousers, then end of day, change back to shorts. But my new office job allows shorts so I am lucky. I often thought it was unfair that women are allowed to wear short skirts with bare legs even in an office or to formal event, while men are stuck with long pants. Fashion wise no option for men other than long pants. But I care about comfort not fashion.

    Also I wear shorts at socially inappropirate settings like a funeral, I do not dress like a slob, I wear a nice black collared shirt and black kakhi shorts, but still stick out. And others do not understand its my autism tactile issues, they assume I am just being rude. 

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