Sensory issues

Hello all. 

I'm awaiting an assessment for diagnosis, it's a 27 month wait list and my god am I struggling. I find my main struggles are sounds. I'm struggling to sleep because things are waking me, cars on the road, dogs barking, others in the house moving around.....the smallest of things. I've got white noise playing when I sleep and also sometimes have ear plugs in. If I'm at home and sat watching TV etc and I hear a dog bark, loud car pass my house etc it really triggers me, I can only describe it as making me feel ill and angry. I hate these feelings. Not sure what I can do. There's a list of other things too but the sounds is definitely the worst! Any advice would be so appreciated 



  • Hi, I’m  waiting for an assessment at the moment and in my 50’s. Sound is something I’ve really been struggling with. Things like a radio and tv being on together can just make me start getting angry. My wife is a morning person and loves to put the radio on and then whistle to it. I find whistling can send me from zero to mental in only a few seconds. I really don’t know where the anger comes from, I’m a really placid person. My neighbour has just bought a little rat dog which has a high pitched yap, it yapping is also driving my insane at the moment.

    I have bought some noise cancelling earphones, they really help. I can switch myself off from the outside world, I have tinnitus and can put white noise through them, audiobooks or just have them on noise cancelling.

  • Hi, I’m  waiting for an assessment at the moment and in my 50’s. Sound is something I’ve really been struggling with. Things like a radio and tv being on together can just make me start getting angry. My wife is a morning person and loves to put the radio on and then whistle to it. I find whistling can send me from zero to mental in only a few seconds. I really don’t know where the anger comes from, I’m a really placid person. My neighbour has just bought a little rat dog which has a high pitched yap, it yapping is also driving my insane at the moment.

    I have bought some noise cancelling earphones, they really help. I can switch myself off from the outside world, I have tinnitus and can put white noise through them, audiobooks or just have them on noise cancelling.

  • Oh gosh Roy it sounds like we're in a similar boat. I have a couple of neighbours with similar dogs and it really switches me zero to crazy in point 5 secs! It's awful. It definitely sounds like I need some noise cancelling ear phones I'm going to look into them. I'm hoping to find something suitable for sleep too as when I'm not sleeping it's impacting my tolerance the day after. Disappointed