Chronic Fatigue?

Hi everyone,

I am new to the community, but wanted to join to seek advice and help from fellow spectrum dweller. :-)

For a number of years now, I have been experiencing chronic fatigue that is debilitating (to say the least). When I wake up in the morning, I feel okay at first, but within two-to-three hours I literally have to retreat to bed, where I end up sleeping for another two to three hours (and I mean sleep! Completely unconscious). I've tried everything—changed my diet completely (I am vegan now), quit drinking alcohol (almost five years ago), exercised regularly (walking), fought hard not to nap during the day (which doesn't make it easier to sleep on an evening). Nothing seems to help. I'm just completely wrecked all the time. Today, I am hardly able to walk without feeling exhausted to the point of collapsing (or collapsing in bed, which is what I'm about to do now). 

I've read a lot of material on autistic burnout and fatigue, but to be honest, this isn't a 'phase'—it's something more permanent, it seems. 

Has/ does anyone else experience fatigue of this nature? Is my story familiar to anyone? As with most things, I'm trying to understand if it's all 'in my head,' or if my experience is common among autistic folk. 

I'd appreciate any discussion. I'm at my wits end and don't know how I can carry on in the manner. I can't work full days any longer and have just returned from sick leave after two month off. I have only returned because of the guilt and shame that I feel. I love my job, but the body doesn't seem to want to play!

Thank for taking the time to read this. I'm desperate at this juncture :-(

All the best


  • You first need to get your levels checked by the doctor. I can't stress this enough. Sometimes an underlying physical problem can make an exhausting situation worse. 

    Myself I am used to pushing through so that when I've had fatigue I haven't realised because I am so used to feeling tired anyway. I'm learning to listen to my body. I think interoception difficulties and alexithymia can add to the problem. 

    I know myself anxiety can make you exhausted. But so can physical things like low iron etc. Get yourself checked out first to rule anything out.

    Also if you are vegan make sure you are getting enough b12 and that your body is retaining it. This is your intrinsic factor. I think b12 can only be got from animal products. I am veggie so take supplements. 

    Have you had covid at all or any other viruses? These can also set off chronic fatigue. I think often in life, there isn't usually just one cause but a myriad of factors. 

  • Fully agree 100% - it could be something serious.

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