How and where did you meet your partner?

Hi all,

I'd like to hear the stories of how people met:

  1. What do you love and admire about your partner?
  2. Where did you meet?
  3. What attracted you to them?
  4. Did they become your special interest?
  5. How long have you been together?
  6. How is the communication between you?

Thanks in advance.


  • 1- I love his kindness and generosity towards me and everyone in his life. I love his sensitivity and patience, and his commitment to family. I also love his dorky, nerdy side.

    2- We met on Plenty of Fish of all places... Our first date was at a Wetherspoons. Yikes. I deliberately dressed down and wore no makeup because I wanted him to see me as he'd see me every day, not in 'date mode'. He wore a new ironed shirt that was far too small for him, and fancy shoes. I ran over to him and hugged him. I also fell down the stairs at one point. I had to explain that yes, all I ate was chicken nuggets and I liked it that way.  Bet he didn't think this was his future wife.

    3- I don't really experience physical attraction to people I'm not really close to. I am demisexual so it took a while before I experienced attraction to him physically, but I did notice his lovely smile when we met in person for the first time. In terms of personality, it was his manners and gentleman-like behaviour! He had a 'leader' quality about him, I immediately felt safe and accepted in his presence. It was nice.

    4- Only in the way that a new relationship can take over your life (in a good way!) I found it hard to gage how much contact we should have (in the beginning) and how much we should message/talk. I struggled to process and deal with intense feelings of love which I'd never experienced before meeting him.

    5- 7.5 years. We've been together since I was 18 and he was 23. We're happily married and planning a family. :)

    6- It has had its easy and challenging times over the years, but it's pretty good. We actually broke up for a while about 3 years in, because our communication had gone down the toilet and I was totally burnt out. We're in a constant learning process, and since finding out I may be autistic, a lot of things are starting to make sense and we've doubled down on our efforts to understand each other.

    I feel immensely lucky to have met my husband.

  • Uplifting, real-world story, warts and all, with some pragmatic truths. Your kids, when they arrive, will have struck the parental jackpot, I reckon. 

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