Different jokes for different folks

Hi all,

Seems I'm on a roll with posting stuff!! Does anyone else find jokes like - What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? - completely unfunny and pointless?  I find slap stick or people getting frights or bodily functions hilarious but jokes that have punch lines lead me to - Yeah I get it but it's not funny.  My Mum takes the pi** when she laughs at these kinds of jokes and I'm straight faced because she thinks I don't get it when in actual fact I do.  It's simply not funny to me.  Yet I can watch continual youtube videos of POOTERS and be in tears with laughter....


H :-)

  • I love slap stick, I love word play - not necessarily puns that is just one category - I sometimes like irony or at least dry humour. Punch line humour I agree generally not funny though there are some great exceptions. 

    I made up a joke the other day and am really proud of it but it's a little salacious so not sure I can say it here. What do we think? I'd say it is fine for 16 plus...

  • I love slap stick, I love word play - not necessarily puns that is just one category - I sometimes like irony or at least dry humour. Punch line humour I agree generally not funny though there are some great exceptions. 

    I made up a joke the other day and am really proud of it but it's a little salacious so not sure I can say it here. What do we think? I'd say it is fine for 16 plus...

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