Highly Sensitive Person and Autism

About 10 years ago, I discovered the trait called Highly Sensitive Person:

Description here: https://hsperson.com/

I took the test back then, and discovered I was Highly Sensitive. Some of the features are: 

  • easily overwhelmed by such things as bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens
  • gets rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time
  • needs to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room or some other place where you can have privacy and relief from the situation
  • has a rich and complex inner life
  • your parents or teachers saw you as sensitive or shy

I bought the Highly Sensitive Person handbook and it was like getting 'the handbook for how I function'. I should read it again tbh.

So recently I was diagnosed as autistic, as you know, and it just occurred to me that these features would fit an autistic person as well. I wondered if I could be HSP *and* autistic. Or maybe I'm one or the other, not both- maybe one has been mistaken for the other? What do you think?

  • I went down the same path. Still have the book all highlighted and marked. I think there is a correlation especially for women. Change the word HSP to autism and ta dah! There we are. I might revisit it and see what notes I made, geeze …20 yrs ago.

  • I agree with you. People think autistic people are cold hearted and emotionless, but more like we have lots of emotions we're struggling with inside. Especially women IMO because we have more emotions. I don't think men have so many emotions running through them all the time. Most women I know overanalyse everything. Most men I know just take things at face value and/or don't read into them. Obviously I don't know everyone on Earth but I've known a lot of people to make a conclusion.

  • I don't think anybody is in a position to quantify how many different emotions different genders have for some implied lack of them. I would say categorically that females are more receptive to external emotion. I think we all can overanalyse internal emotion until the cows come home (whatever that means but it sounds late). It is my suspicion that we all have every emotion to different degrees rather than different disabilities. 

  • I don't think anybody is in a position to quantify how many different emotions different genders have for some implied lack of them. I would say categorically that females are more receptive to external emotion. I think we all can overanalyse internal emotion until the cows come home (whatever that means but it sounds late). It is my suspicion that we all have every emotion to different degrees rather than different disabilities. 

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