Anyone sensitive to noise?

I got a huge problem right now with a bike passing really close by to my bedroom back and forth which local government is enabling, and I think I'm getting some ptsd-like symptoms, except for 'post', it's more of a revolving door at this point, but like every time I hear the faintest similar noise in a movie e.g. I pause to see if it's external, and at my most extreme rarely I mistake my cats' purring for it too for an instant, due to the bass quality... I feel like I'm in Dante's Inferno, honestly, with the local government here practically forcing me to be subject to mental torture, even a death threat, which everyone simply brushes away... always hyperalert when it's happening and getting worse outside of it too... I try to keep this almost delusional hope alive of relocating, but sometimes the bleak reality seems to indicate that all hopeless and there is only one end to it (I just simply can't live like this forever... just can't...)

  • Noise is probably my Achilles' heel. I wear earplugs most of the time, and when I forget to put them in, I soon know about it. I'm hopeful of a referral to the Audiology Department soon for a pair of moulded earplugs. Do you not wear good earplugs (or noise cancelling headphones)? They do the trick for me, cutting out every unwanted sound.

  • Noise is probably my Achilles' heel. I wear earplugs most of the time, and when I forget to put them in, I soon know about it. I'm hopeful of a referral to the Audiology Department soon for a pair of moulded earplugs. Do you not wear good earplugs (or noise cancelling headphones)? They do the trick for me, cutting out every unwanted sound.

  • i dont mind high sensitivity to sound. it makes me more aware. couldnt go around with ear plugs in, it would feel like going around with eye patches on so you cant see lol i like to hear things, such as people coming up behind me and so on. but the loud noises that are obnoxious are usually man made and sudden and not natural, which is why its usually better to just not live in a city and live in more rural area and walk in countryside farm tracks. although as stated in another thread idiots on off road bikes often ruin that.

    i can still hear cat alarms, not sure if im supposed to. google says only kids should hear them, unless they are a *** quality cat alarm that isnt working at the right frequency lol i can feel vibration of sound too, thunder, and my idiot dad randomly loud clapping for no reason, all creates a sound vibration wave. i tried to explain the thunder one to someone before and they didnt understand, kept thinking i meant it was earthquake when i didnt.

  • I find noise cancelling headphones worse than the noise, because of how uncomfortable they are. But maybe I just have a bad pair. I spent a lot on them though. Because of the ANC tech inside them they have to be heavy, and they hurt my ears and the top of my head. I can wear them for 30 minutes maximum usually. I also don't like the feeling of pressure or having my ears totally enclosed.

    So it's a battle between which sense I want to have overwhelmed, touch or sound.