Adult diagnoses of dyspraxia, ADHD and aspergers traits

As a child , my mother was worried about my coordination , there was evidence of ADHD.

Age 9, I attended an assessment, there was evidence of dyspraxia, ADHD and aspergers traits.

I knew I had dyspraxia having attended speech therapy aged 23, I thought it was just being clumsy.

I learned about adult dyspraxia, I got a diagnosis of dyspraxia aged 33, in May 2012, privately. The GP would not accept the report , she could not offer me a diagnosis.

My dyspraxia is moderate . I passed my driving test after 10 attempts in a manual car in March 2010, aged 31. I only drive locally . 

People thought I may have had Asperger’s syndrome . In 2003, a GP said I could not have the diagnosis because it was too expensive. Another GP, found closed in 2005, I had a 10 minute chat with a cold - hearted psychiatrist, he said aspergers traits not a problem aged 25 . I thought it would help me to get a well paid job, but there are so many barriers , my disabilities are dyspraxia and ADHD, I live too far from London. 

In late 2019, I realised something is not right with me. A therapist telephoned my surgery to say I have symptoms of ADHD in February 2020. In my area , near London , the waiting is over 2 years and 8 months. I got diagnosed in Birmingham with a combined presentation ADHD in August 2020. I was prescribed Concetra. I finished treatment. I was told I had achieved far below my potential because of ADHD. I would have got a 1st class degree probably I had treated ADHD. The psychologist who diagnosed me with dyspraxia said I was very intelligent or very hard working to get a degree without a diagnosis of dyspraxia. I was told it was an achievement to get a degree with undiagnosed ADHD !

I got an A in Maths a Level. I got a 3rd in Maths & Computer science in 1999 aged 20, Pgdip in 2000, professional qualification in Statistics in 2008.

I have a poor work history, I have a creator outlet . The only job I can probably get is a Data Analyst in the NHS, with a guaranteed interview scheme.

if I did not get diagnosed with aspergers traits, I would have not got diagnosed with ADHD or dyspraxia.

I have never had a relationship, no marriage , no kids.i am renting property.

the charities failed me, the GPS, provided weak or patchy or ambiguous support.

I apply for many jobs , Get no reply’s , very few interviews.

i feel let down and I am angry .

my family can’t support me.

i will probably never had kids.

i attended a private school which was unsuitable .

  • Ah, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through and somewhat outraged that you haven't been offered another diagnosis. Cost shouldn't come into it. That's why I pay tax, so everyone gets what they need. It makes me so cross when people are left suffering.

    Did they give you a proper ASC assessment the first time around? Don't think that would take just 10 minutes. If not, sounds like you need one. If they did, well everyone is entitled to a second opinion.

    No one would be refused a second diagnosis for an on-going physical problem causing that much distress.

    Some suggestions which might be worth investigating might be talk to heathwatch...find out what your rights to more investigation on the NHS are. They might well support you to get it.

    Can you apply for PiP on the grounds of your AHAD and dyspraxia and use that to get a private assessment?

    You do sound very down. What are they doing for your mental health? I wish there was something I more I could say of use. Perhaps someone else might have travelled the same path and have some ideas for you.

  • The NHS , only gives a diagnosis of aspergers traits / aspergers tendencies, if it is not severe enough or not enough traits . A full diagnosis is not given.

    it is now ASD traits.

    the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with ADHD, said ASD significant, problem untreated ADHD, problems largely ADHD, look through the records !

  • The NHS , only gives a diagnosis of aspergers traits / aspergers tendencies, if it is not severe enough or not enough traits . A full diagnosis is not given.

    it is now ASD traits.

    the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with ADHD, said ASD significant, problem untreated ADHD, problems largely ADHD, look through the records !

  • This sounds very complex and as though it does sound like it needs a second look.

    On the questionnaires, my mother  doesn't 'l know what to say to questions like "what did I understand about other people's emotions" as a child. Well, if she doesn't KNOW that immediately, I've got to ask myself where the traits come from....