How does everyone do with diet ?

I Like to eat the same thing every day for about 8 weeks then crash for 3 weeks then do another 8 weeks of good food.

breakfast = oatmeal, raspberries, milk, chia seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds

lunch = chicken, seasoning, brocoli, greenbeans, asparagus, potatoes, 28g cheese, olive oil

dinner = salmon, cod, veg

drinks = water in each meal

= supplements a load

= protein drink mixed with milk

  • I started on a healthy living course that my GP referred me too and it's worked wonders. I'm eating better, feeling better and food is generally cheaper and more filling.  Back in 2019 I was around 27stone plus, now I'm just over 24stone and people keep telling me I'm loosing weight haha.

    Weird thing is that I've cut out crisps, biscuits, and chocolate bars(I still have hot chocolate now and again) without even realizing it.  Haven't missed them at all.

    I still every Monday do indulge in my local takeaway by having a pizza with some chips, but that's a once a week thing for me now.

  • I always find 1 takeaway a week is a better balance than every day or multiple times in a week good job on the weight loss.

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