How does everyone do with diet ?

I Like to eat the same thing every day for about 8 weeks then crash for 3 weeks then do another 8 weeks of good food.

breakfast = oatmeal, raspberries, milk, chia seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds

lunch = chicken, seasoning, brocoli, greenbeans, asparagus, potatoes, 28g cheese, olive oil

dinner = salmon, cod, veg

drinks = water in each meal

= supplements a load

= protein drink mixed with milk

Parents Reply
  • I spend my day looking like I'm training for the SAS. Crawling, running, jumping, spinning. It can exhausting meeting the physical sensory needs of children. But I do eat far too much chocolate. I either eat rubbish or I don't eat at all. Think I need to stitch my mouth shut for awhile before I need larger clothes lol.
