Website Problems/SO FRUSTRATING *Updated*

For about a week now, I've had major problems trying to access this forum. Either it partially loads, or doesn't load at all. Even when it partially loads, many of the features of the forum don't work. I can't reply to some threads, and the ones I can reply to don't seem to let me edit my posts or use quotes. On top of all that, if I try to load different topics, it freezes. There's no rhyme or reason to the problems, it's completely random - and if I don't give up soon, I'm going to end up pulling out my hair! Does anyone else have these same issues? I don't think I've seen a website so full of glitches and bugs since the early days of the internet.

UPDATE: *I've switched browser from Safari to Chrome and, fingers crossed, a lot of the issues have been resolved.*

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    Once again I am sorry for the delays and problems on images. I have spent some time corresponding with the support team for the underlying software, and today on a call with them. We have tracked down an obscure bug that appears to have been causing this issue.

    I have just uploaded a JPG successfully from a test account. Please do try it again.

    I was sorry to see that the photography thread had stalled. I hope that this allows it to resume.
