ASD and metaphor/sarcasm?

I think I am on the autism spectrum but I keep hearing/reading that people with autism struggle with understanding nuances in meaning of words or don't understand sarcasm.

As far as I can remember I didn't feel confused with sarcasm and I've learnt the art pretty well that I am known for my caustic humour. I also love poetry and verbal imagery having been an avid reader when I had more time, as a child relied on a very active imagined alternative reality to get through some school situations.

Does that exclude me from being autistic? I'm afraid of going any further if it's all just in my mind.

  • "If you've met one autistic, then you've met one autistic" - we're all different - I have found that many of the autistic people I have met have a wicked, dry and often sarcastic sense of humour - Sarcasm requires intellect to get right and a tendency toward saying exactly what you're thinking, without consideration (or perhaps understanding) of the consequences of saying it. These are all traits of autistic individuals, so it doesn't rule you out.

    But as aidie says "nothing beats the face-to-face assessment..."

  • "If you've met one autistic, then you've met one autistic" - we're all different - I have found that many of the autistic people I have met have a wicked, dry and often sarcastic sense of humour - Sarcasm requires intellect to get right and a tendency toward saying exactly what you're thinking, without consideration (or perhaps understanding) of the consequences of saying it. These are all traits of autistic individuals, so it doesn't rule you out.

    But as aidie says "nothing beats the face-to-face assessment..."

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