Struggling with understanding own emotions.

Hello everyone I’ve always had some difficulties with understanding some of my emotions I know when it’s super obvious like if I’m laughing my head off about something but I keep thinking about my autism assessment I was asked several times what I was feeling or how I felt about something and I couldn’t really answer properly does anyone else suffer with this sort of thing is it to do with my autism?

  • Absolutely! I have a mood meter next to my desk at home that I check in with during the day so I recognise what I'm feeling. Ask me how I feel about something I'd struggle to say, ask me what I think about it though - I could go on for ages.

    I've also noticed I have delayed emotional reaction to things, something can happen with work and i can think I'm fine about it- then it'll hit me a couple of hours later.

  • Yes or things hit me weeks or months later when my brain has worked it all out and it's filtered through. But by then of course it's far too late to go back to the person and say 'when you said that to me in December, it really upset me.' Or whatever. Because they've moved on and forgotten about it long ago...

  • Yeah, i have this delayed reaction. Makes chamging things hopeless at times with people.

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