Coding as a career?


So I have tried Scratch, abit, on my raspberry pi and liked it.  Took a lot of concentration but was wondering with the rise of AI, if it was worth pursuing as a career.

I tried a legal career and couldn’t even get my foot in the door.  So taking later risk of upgrading my computer to do this is, worrying. 

Anyone got any advice?

  • If you do then learn something niche, like assembly.  Everyone and their mother can code in python, java, c++, but not many can code in assembly and even less can do it well.  It was one of the few things i enjoyed on a degree I I did in Wales some years back.  I think it was last year NASA was looking for someone that could write assembly for one of the probes they sent out long ago.  they wanted someone who was able to write code for a chipset that had quite limited ram, i think only a few kilobytes, so you had to be a bit of a guru, but they were offering good money for the job.

    If you learn python, java or php, well I would say dont bother.  The market is already saturated with programmers.  Also to get to the level at which a company would hire you is hard and takes a while.

  • If you do then learn something niche, like assembly.  Everyone and their mother can code in python, java, c++, but not many can code in assembly and even less can do it well.  It was one of the few things i enjoyed on a degree I I did in Wales some years back.  I think it was last year NASA was looking for someone that could write assembly for one of the probes they sent out long ago.  they wanted someone who was able to write code for a chipset that had quite limited ram, i think only a few kilobytes, so you had to be a bit of a guru, but they were offering good money for the job.

    If you learn python, java or php, well I would say dont bother.  The market is already saturated with programmers.  Also to get to the level at which a company would hire you is hard and takes a while.

  • Assembly code was part of my Master's in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and I found it very difficult, a lot harder than the high level languages. But because the degree with so wide with programming, maths, physics, business etc I didnt really have the time to properly have a go and focus on it. That is interesting to hear that NASA has an application for it