Coding as a career?


So I have tried Scratch, abit, on my raspberry pi and liked it.  Took a lot of concentration but was wondering with the rise of AI, if it was worth pursuing as a career.

I tried a legal career and couldn’t even get my foot in the door.  So taking later risk of upgrading my computer to do this is, worrying. 

Anyone got any advice?

  • Hi, I think this is a great pursuit to follow if you enjoy it and coding is a great mixture of logic and creativity, that can solve real-world problems. Some technology companies are actively recruiting those on the spectrum for technical roles via interview processes that don't require speech and sensory processing of verbal communication but use a series of practical tests to assess candidates. One such company is Auticon which was created specifically for those on the spectrum to become IT consultants in varying roles and with projects being assigned matching skills and requirements. They look for those with an interest in and some experience of programming languages and provide on the job support. I believe Microsoft also have an autism-specific programme for recruitment, along with an increasing number of companies. Wishing you all the best

  • I seem to have wrongfooted myself as I have 21 years support experience - or more accurately 10 in support, 10 in capacity planning.  All of this was offshored and I became redundant...

    Am currently recovering my health...

    I tried going through Auticon - they didn't want me as they want devs not sysadmins..

  • I seem to have wrongfooted myself as I have 21 years support experience - or more accurately 10 in support, 10 in capacity planning.  All of this was offshored and I became redundant...

    Am currently recovering my health...

    I tried going through Auticon - they didn't want me as they want devs not sysadmins..

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