Hi all, I guess this is more of a moan really. As some of you know there was a HUGE traumatic incident in December. I'm on high dosage anxiety meds at the moment but still I'm struggling day to day. Anyway, before said event I was looking for a new job, going out more, talking to people again etc.I'm good at masking for interviews so I had a very positive interview in a particular field that I have been desperate to get into. This would be a fantastic oppourtunity but it would start Feb/March time. However, since I had to go on Uni credits since mid December and I've told them about this job they dont seem interested. Their sending me adverts for jobs in public situations which freaks me out at the best of times let alone right now. I'm really not coping very well with everything right now and this Uni credits thing is pushing me further over the edge. They want me to go into their offices next week which I'm dreading too. I want a job but I want the job I've got a special interest in and that I wont have to deal with many people. I've even started further training to improve my chances even further with this company and I've told uni credits this. I also know that I need time right now, I know I need to 'get on with life' and whatever random rubbish people throw at me, but I need to withdraw right now.
I'm lucky that I've not had to deal with uni credits before (I'm now almost 40) but their driving me crazy already