*TRY THIS * The Gratitude Thread - a "Change Thinking" technique

This is a technique to change how you think to the more positive.

all you have to do is list things you are blessed to have  ( even just one thing is a positive step )

here's mine today ( Below )

Visit on a regular basis to change how you think. 

Parents Reply
  • I'm honestly impressed. Sorry I'm a bit crap at expressing it. I'm tired and I should sleep. Sounds like you're a good friend too.

    I get worried just posting a bit on here then checking I don't make people mad. Its a bit new for me to use a chat forum and I'm a bit worried I can't keep it up. Making friends and all that.  There wereFlushed a few angry comments posted here and there and Im scared I'll irk someone unintentionally.  There, confessions of my first week here FlushedFlushedFlushed
