Migraines :(

I and my Aspergers son, suffer from Migraines which is considered as both genetic and caused by snxuety. I read an interesting article whuch said...

"Most doctors agree that migraine has a genetic component. Does this mean that there is also such a thing as a migraine personality? I looked at Hustvedt, so intense, so clever and so pale, and I wondered. In 1963 a doctor called HG Wolff characterised migraineurs as: ambitious, successful, perfectionistic, rigid, orderly, cautious, emotionally constipated, and driven"

Sounds like the perfect description of someone with Aspergers???

I tried all the prescriptive prevention medication but its my anti-depressant tablets which greatly reduce my attacks.

I was given Migramax, which is just a big dose of Aspirin and has limited effect. 

Does anyone have any prescription that they take before an attack?? In my case i continuously yawn before i get a Migraine. 

  • I've been locked into a chronic vestibular migraine since September 2018—"chronic" because there is no cessation of symptoms, only "bad" and "worse". I've found withdrawing completely from life has helped and medication has not, although emotional stress and sudden noises (like people slamming doors) still seem to make it worse.

    Have you come across The Migraine Diet? https://thedizzycook.com/whatishyh/ Apparently it can help, but I eat a lot of this stuff anyway because it seems to moderate my meltdowns, allergies and hypersensitivities.

    HG Wolff characterised migraineurs as: ambitious, successful, perfectionistic, rigid, orderly, cautious, emotionally constipated, and driven"

    Yes, the perfect description of someone with Asperger's! I think you're onto something there... Slight smile

  • I've been locked into a chronic vestibular migraine since September 2018—"chronic" because there is no cessation of symptoms, only "bad" and "worse". I've found withdrawing completely from life has helped and medication has not, although emotional stress and sudden noises (like people slamming doors) still seem to make it worse.

    Have you come across The Migraine Diet? https://thedizzycook.com/whatishyh/ Apparently it can help, but I eat a lot of this stuff anyway because it seems to moderate my meltdowns, allergies and hypersensitivities.

    HG Wolff characterised migraineurs as: ambitious, successful, perfectionistic, rigid, orderly, cautious, emotionally constipated, and driven"

    Yes, the perfect description of someone with Asperger's! I think you're onto something there... Slight smile

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