The older person on the spectrum and the downplaying of how they're doing

I 'm 62. I described my situation, re the support I get, on another forum to be told  that an NT my age would get similar support.

It really downplayed how things are with me .

  • Hi, I’m 63 and was diagnosed nearly two years ago.

    I can understand and identify with the feeling that your difficulties are being underestimated, minimised, and even trivialised.

    Two days ago someone at my local mental health services observed that I must be fine as I was able to speak fluently and coherently.

    When mental health professionals display such misconceived notions about autism, it is small wonder that the general public remain unenlightened.

  • Yes, there does appear to be very limited understanding in the UK amongst people who are usually termed professionals. I'm inclined to see it as very much part-&-parcel of the global populist dumbing-down project.

    I'm also 63, and diagnosed two years ago. And the populist thing to do where I live is to sweep the whole adulthood ASD thing under the carpet as if it doesn't actually exist at all. It's still OK to talk about young people on the spectrum, though. But even there, I would say that the public are really more interested in the cute or heartbreaking stuff. And then when the cutesy stuff starts to disappear in adolescence, the disappearing act kicks in. I have yet to meet another adult autistic here. Where they all go, I haven't the faintest idea, as yet! I sort of imagine that by that time, they have been thoroughly 'conditioned' enough to be in complete denial of their previous diagnosis. They might realise that they are never going to receive any support in adulthood, and so the best thing for them to do is forget the diagnosis ever happened. And hush the whole thing up for the rest of their lives.

    This location really does have a desperate need for people who can work outside the box, for instance. But I imagine you only really pass muster for a career like that here if your folks have the right connections, and can thus afford to conveniently ignore any thought of outside support.

    In my case, I now seem resolved to battle on through with this diagnosis; alone if necessary. I find that almost gives me a new purpose in life.

  • Yes, I agree.

    After a ten minute conversation, these ‘professionals’ ignore my 63 years of lived experience and decree ‘no help necessary.’

    Imagine a white counsellor telling a 63 year old person of African heritage, that as a professional counsellor he knows more about the experience of racism.

    The attitude of the psychology and psychiatry professions towards autistic individuals would make a 19th century anthropologist squirm with embarrassment.

  • I had brief spells  of therapy with 2 trained psychologists. Both adopted a "If you want to be a good person" approach as though  I was a moral deviant , rather than trying to help me cope better with situations . They were kicked into touch rather quickly.

    Finally an untrained worker at the local mental health centre  saw me to provide 'therapy' . She told me I lacked self confidence and self esteem . She then proceeded to go overboard in criticising me . After a while she let slip she was a member of small religious community. A few weeks later I produced  an in depth and open letter of my experiences. That inadvertently upset her religious sensibilities , and she pulled the plug on seeing me .

  • I had brief spells  of therapy with 2 trained psychologists. Both adopted a "If you want to be a good person" approach as though  I was a moral deviant , rather than trying to help me cope better with situations . They were kicked into touch rather quickly.

    Finally an untrained worker at the local mental health centre  saw me to provide 'therapy' . She told me I lacked self confidence and self esteem . She then proceeded to go overboard in criticising me . After a while she let slip she was a member of small religious community. A few weeks later I produced  an in depth and open letter of my experiences. That inadvertently upset her religious sensibilities , and she pulled the plug on seeing me .

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