The older person on the spectrum and the downplaying of how they're doing

I 'm 62. I described my situation, re the support I get, on another forum to be told  that an NT my age would get similar support.

It really downplayed how things are with me .

  • Hi, I’m 63 and was diagnosed nearly two years ago.

    I can understand and identify with the feeling that your difficulties are being underestimated, minimised, and even trivialised.

    Two days ago someone at my local mental health services observed that I must be fine as I was able to speak fluently and coherently.

    When mental health professionals display such misconceived notions about autism, it is small wonder that the general public remain unenlightened.

  • someone about to commit suicide or murder could be able to speak fluently and coherently   --- Its hardly a good assessment. Its a very off hand / cant be bothered attitude.

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