Really struggling to handle things

I think it's fair to say that the post diagnosis adjustment process has kicked in big style. My adrenaline levels have been getting higher the last couple of weeks but today they're very high. Just feeling all stressy and agitated. I've been trying to divert the energy into housework which is a distraction but hasn't really helped too much. Think I might go to the GP tomorrow and ask for something short term just to take the edge off of things. I can't stand any noise at the moment, it's just completely doing my head in. Half term isn't helping! My brain is so all over the place at the moment, it just feels really fragmented, I'm struggling to even gather my thoughts enough to write something vaguely sensible on here. What have other people found helpful when they've been going through similar?

  • I get where your coming from. I go through phases when I feel like this. I've always said I want a pensieve from Harry Potter so that I can take my thoughts out my head and look back at them later if i need to. If only!

    I don't so much struggle with adjusting to the diagnosis. I had an idea for most of my life so it was never a shock. But there are things I'm having challenges with at the moment and I know that most people would not be as upset about them as I am. So the realisation that autism is forever and I'm always going to find small things challenging has hit me a bit this week.

    Films and books are my go to at times like this. An escape to another world. I like to retreate to my room and curl up in bed. I know this is difficult when you have a family. Hopefully you can get some more you time when the kids are back in school. I do also find posting on here helps. Sometimes just putting some thoughts out there can be really helpful.

    Going to the gp is probably a good idea if you are really struggling.

  • Wouldn't that be amazing if we could just remove our thoughts from our head! what an amazing idea! That would help me so much sometimes!

    Yeah, I'm finding it difficult that I'm not just going to be able to 'snap out of it', it's here to stay.

    My go to when I'm really stressed is to get in the car, turn the music up full whack (don't ask how I can be in a state where most noises are irritating but my own music turned up full blast is good!) go for a drive and daydream away.

    Yeah the GP is on my hit list for tomorrow. I need to have something as back up if this anxiety/agitation is planning on hanging around for a while.

  • I know. I've been obsessed with the idea since I first read the books. It would be the perfect solution for me. Pity theres not actually such thing as magic.

    A drive is a good idea. Alone time is really important I think. It is for me anyway. I like music to drown out things too. I actually hate silence. Noise that you can control is different to noise you have no control over.

  • I know. I've been obsessed with the idea since I first read the books. It would be the perfect solution for me. Pity theres not actually such thing as magic.

    A drive is a good idea. Alone time is really important I think. It is for me anyway. I like music to drown out things too. I actually hate silence. Noise that you can control is different to noise you have no control over.
