What to do you all do for New Year?

There have been lots of posts lately about Christmas. I quite like Christmas and find it quite manageable. New Year however, I find much harder.

The last few years I've just stayed in by myself to avoid it but have felt myself feeling really quite upset and lonely especially seeing everyone's pictures on social media of them enjoying bringing it in with their loved ones. I know I should avoid looking but I can't resist.

I'd happily see in the new year with a small group of friends. Food, a few drinks and some games. This would be my perfect new year. I don't know anyone that would want to bring in the new year like this though.

I have the option this year of going to the pub with a couple of friends but I know the pub will be really busy on New Years Eve and I would just hate it. I'm not a big drinker either. I've tried going to the pub for New Year before and just sat in the corner wishing the hours away.

I don't really have any close friends so it's difficult to explain to people why I wouldn't want to bring in New Year the same way as them and I certainly don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. 

My parents have a group of friends that take it in turns to host New Year so I can't go to them either.

I really hate New Year after New Year being me bringing it in alone. I like me time and not spending too much time with people but I really wish I had a good friend or 2 I could share these times with and would understand the difficulties I have with them.

How do other people cope with this time of year?

  • I always used to see the New Year in with mum.  Last year, though - the first without her - I went to bed early.  I woke when the fireworks went off at midnight, but then went back to sleep, thinking 'Let's see what 2018 brings.'

    It's been a mixed year, but it ended on a bad note - extended sickness from work, meaning a big loss of money.  But at least I've got a new job to start in January, so I'm looking at that as something really positive coming out of it all.

    I'm 60 next year, too - a bit of a biggie!

    I'm not sure if I'll stay up on New Year's Eve, but I'll be alone again.  I may have a little tipple.  But I'm resolved to start the New Year sober and keep it going at least for the first month and see how I feel.  After that, I'll aim for 100 days.  Then take it from there.  I need to stop drinking before it does me any real damage.  I'd like to moderate it, but I've tried that and it doesn't work.

    So... I'm at least starting with some hopes for better things.

  • When I was a lot younger, I used to enjoy going out clubbing on New Year's Eve!

    Sadly, I'm a lot more boring nowadays & usually just spend it at home with my three year old cat. Curiously (an apt term to describe a cat), she isn't afraid of fireworks at all & enjoys watching them though the window at midnight. Not sure if she is so contrary because she has lived me since being a kitten Joy.

  • Ye I think that will probably be my plan but with a DVD.

  • I've already seen the new Mary Poppins. It has nothing on the original but I still loved it. Hope you enjoy it.

    Going to watch a film is the kind of thing I like to do but unfortunately just don't have people to do stuff like that with. My social anxiety is way too high to go alone.

    I will check out that short film. Thanks.

  • Thank you! I have just booked tickets for the 3.20pm screening of Mary Poppins Returns on New Year's Eve. The original is one of my favourite films so it will be interesting to see a new interpretation of the role. 

    'Betwixtmas' is a strange period - not really Christmas any more, but things are still not back to normal. I am at the GP having a blood test on New Year's Eve morning, so that will help to fill the day too! 

    On the subject of fitting in I enjoyed watching this short film (8 things autistic women want you to know):


  • Scenic view from cheap hotel room i stayed in, on new years holiday on Isle of Wight 

  • I'm plan to just stay at home, maybe put a Blu Ray on. 

  • I think that's the thing. I'm not actually bothered about New Year or particularly want to do anything for it. It would just be nice to have someone to share it with.

    Most of the time I'm ok with being autistic but like you at this time of year I do a lot of reflecting and I feel like it's just a massive reminder that I'm different and don't fit in.

    I'm glad you have found a way to celebrate (or tolerate) New Year. Good luck with your work situation.

  • When I did shift work I volunteered to be on duty on New Year's Eve so I was busy doing my job and getting paid when midnight came. I have been to some truly depressing parties, not to be repeated. I once walked around Norwich late on New Year's Eve, not actually going into any pubs, as they were all too busy and noisy, just people watching.

    These days we go out and do something early in the evening - last year a spectacular light and sound event I got free tickets for - then we come home, text close relatives before the networks get blocked, settle down and watch Jules Holland. When the midnight chimes finally sound it's a relief to get to bed.

    I get quite reflective around New Year about what has been and what it is to come. This is probably intensified because I have a birthday early in January. This year will be special - the start of the first year of my life when I know I am actually autistic. I should get my diagnostic report in the first week of January so the beginning of the New Year will be a reflective time too.

    I don't make New Year's resolutions as such but I tend to have a think about a big overall aim for the year. Last year it was to get work and life back into balance. I have done that in spectacular fashion by ending the year off sick with work related stress! It's an effective but drastic way of dealing with the issue! Looking ahead I realise the importance of avoiding overwork and spending time in benign, not toxic, environments.

    Perhaps more than ever before I am looking forward to welcoming in the New Year.

  • That last sentence I can relate to a lot.

  • I probably am happier just staying in and watching tv. I think it's more the idea of it. I just feel like it's a massive reminder that I don't fit in and don't have many people in my life.

    Saving the life of your guinea pig - that is definitely a reason to stay in.

  • This is how I'd like to celebrate but unfortunately I don't have anyone that would want to celebrate New Year like that. It sounds nice.

  • I’m not fussed for New Year in any way (though I did sarcastically ask my mum which Easter egg she wanted to celebrate New Year earlier today as I couldn’t believe the shops were stocking them right now!), so I usually make sure to stay in so as to avoid business and drunk people out and about. I’m happy just to have some nice food, a glass of wine and watch the fireworks on TV from the comfort of my own home.

    This year however I have a very good, if unfortunate, distraction in that my guinea pig is poorly and thus requires hand feeding every hour, so that’s what I’ll be doing for New Year as I did for a Christmas, and as it looks I’ll be doing for my birthday... Still, what could be more enjoyable on any day than dedicating yourself to saving the life of a pet who you share unconditional love with? 

  • Best I can say is it gets better as I get older ...

  • that wasn't 58 minutes ago, it was just now - maybe the site is broken

  • I have a small number of close family members (mainly my children) and we spend it together. We have champagne and fireworks to make it a celebration but there are not many people (just us)

  • I will elaborate.  My parents were polish.  When they were still healthy they always went to the local polish club on new years Eve.  My mother always helped out in the kitchens, my father often did the cloakroom.  

    I, always stayed at home, trying to make it look like there were several people in the house to keep the burglars away. Keeping lights on upstairs and downstairs.  Flushing toilets needlessly etc.

    Now that I'm alone I just stay in.

    The only exception was in  2012 when  my sister and her husband invited me to go to new years celebrations with them.  We travelled on a package tour to the Isle of Wight and had new year celebrations in a hotel with other guests. I was surrounded by people, yet I felt alone and completely out of place.

  • This is what I've done the last few years but all the New Year tv makes me feel a bit rubbish and like I can't avoid it. I put a film on in the end last year. Probably what I will do this year too.

  • I stay inside and watch TV.  The programs are better than the rest of the year.

    Now I live alone, so I obviously watch TV alone.

    When my mother was alive and I was her full time carer, we had European satellite TV positioned at 13E and 19.2E.  so we watched the year celebrations from other countries.  At 9pm we had the new year from Moscow, then the capitals from Eastern Europe, then Western Europe, finally the UK.