Autism roots

Hello all

I was musing the other day on the roots of autism and two things struck me:

  1. Does there have to be a single root cause for autism or could there be more than one mechanism?
  2. Could there actually be two "human" species on the planet?

So both are potentially controversial theories and please we are trying to only look at scientific information and not conspiracy theories, my reason for saying this will become very clear in a moment.

Looking at the first point, whilst it had been comprehensively shown scientifically in multiple studies that there is not a direct link between vaccines and autism, and the original "research" that started that whole controversy was unscientific and unethical, there are still some important questions that remain. Autistics for instance, are far more likely than the neurotypical population to have a range of autoimmune medical conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is interesting as there is a small risk with every vaccination of an autoimmune reaction. Hence there is an interesting question as to why autistics are more autoimmune disease prone and does this make them more disposed to a vaccination reaction? So whilst they already had autism do the traits come out post vaccination due to an autoimmune reaction or is there not link or something more sinister? 

As for two species, we know that all, but people of direct African decent, modern humans contain some neanderthal DNA. IS it possible though that autistics contain some other neanderthal DNA that makes them more neanderthal than human, hence two species in effect. We know that humans and neanderthals did copulate ad have cross-species babies, so its possible that they "live on". Think also what happens when one crosses a horse and a donkey, so what happens if one crosses a neanderthal and a human? Before dismissing it, think about it, think about the possibilities and what we could represent.



  • My son has ASD, and did have the MMR vaccine, and during his assessment process I met other parents who were convinced that the vaccine caused their own child's autism. But I never believed that was the case with my son. He did show the classic loss of language skills at about 2 years of age, not long after the MMR, but prior to that he was slow to reach significant growth "milestones". There was no special recognition of us (as his parents) and little eye contact. He couldn't sit up unaided until nearly a year old, or walk until 18 months. At the time, I put it down to the fact that he was born by emergency caesarean because his heart beat was very irregular and dropped to 40 a minute at one stage. I thought there could have been some slight brain damage. It's only in the past year or two so that I've recognised my own autistic traits and realised it could be genetic.

    As for the idea that there are 2 species of humans, it's an interesting idea, perhaps supported by the fact that MRI scans of autistic and non autistic brains show noticeable differences in activity.

  • As for the idea that there are 2 species of humans, it's an interesting idea, perhaps supported by the fact that MRI scans of autistic and non autistic brains show noticeable differences in activity.

    I agree with your statements about vaccines, caesarean, and genetics.

    ....but this is not logical at all

    Pretty much any MRI scans of any two groups of humans (grouped by a certain trait) show differences in activity. Children and adults show differences in activity - are children and adults two different species? Even controlling for same age same and sex, those people who have Alzheimers show different neural activity compared to those that don't - are people with and without Alzheimers different species? 

    If you have an fMRI while being happy vs being sad, you'll see differences in activity...

    Therefore fMRI scans showing differences cannot be a support for 2 species of humans.

  • Fair enough. I get the point about people with Alzheimers, I hadn't thought of that.

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