Moving away from stereotypes

I can't stand stereotypes and do not wish to be defined by my condition. I would rather people saw me as an individual with strengths and weaknesses, some of which can be explained by me having Asperger's syndrome, rather than defining me by a label. This is why I can't stand the word 'aspie'. While having Aspergers is an important part of my identity, it is no more important than me being female, no more important than my sexuality or my age.  I would hate it if someone did not see past me being a woman or past my age, why is having aspergers any different? The disability movement campaigned for disability to be seen not as an individual affliction or difference, to move beyond individualising disability and to see it as a societal problem: people with disabilities should campaign collectively to change society, making it imperative to see the person before the disability. I am a person with asperger's syndrome, not an aspie. I share traits that other people with AS may have,  but I don't share all the traits, just enough to have aspergers. We are all different, to say I am an aspie suggests conformity with other  'aspies' and obliterates the part of me that defies easy categorization.

  • Goatworshiper: It is true we cannot get round the language barrier. I label myself a Feminist, but I don't agree with everything other Feminists argue; in any case, there are different kinds of Feminism.

    Scorpian: Science and politics are inseperable. There is no such thing as pure Science or neutral Science. Science, like economics or History, always serves a particular interest as to why it is important to explore at a particular area.

    You still have not answered my question: In what way do YOU think that women and men, on average, think differently from each other. What is the AVERAGE man and woman like? How do you think a man approaches caring differently to a woman? I am not asking for you to post lots of scientific research, I am asking for YOUR opinion. To just quote others suggests you have no opinion of your own.

    And you quote beginnings of sentences to suggest I was responding emotionally. This is called an opinion. You have opinions too, unless you are an automaton

  • Goatworshiper: It is true we cannot get round the language barrier. I label myself a Feminist, but I don't agree with everything other Feminists argue; in any case, there are different kinds of Feminism.

    Scorpian: Science and politics are inseperable. There is no such thing as pure Science or neutral Science. Science, like economics or History, always serves a particular interest as to why it is important to explore at a particular area.

    You still have not answered my question: In what way do YOU think that women and men, on average, think differently from each other. What is the AVERAGE man and woman like? How do you think a man approaches caring differently to a woman? I am not asking for you to post lots of scientific research, I am asking for YOUR opinion. To just quote others suggests you have no opinion of your own.

    And you quote beginnings of sentences to suggest I was responding emotionally. This is called an opinion. You have opinions too, unless you are an automaton

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