Anyone else have tidying issues?

Does anyone else have issues with tidying up and cleaning? I don't actually have a diagnosis but have strong traits of autism and probably some of adhd too. I find things like tidying, cleaning, doing the dishes etc incredibly difficult. It probably comes across as laziness but I quite literally cannot face doing these jobs and usually let them build up far too much so it's an absolute mission when I do do them. Does anyone else have this issue? And can anyone shed any light on why I find this so difficult or if there is anything I can do to make it easier?

  • I'm thoroughly untidy lol, not by choice, but it's in my nature according to my parents. My room is normally in a constant messy state, so I push everything under my bed Joy out of sight, out of mind! 

    I think a lot of it comes down to processing. Tidying and cleaning is a lot all at once and it's exhausting which makes it extra difficult. If I try to do too much my brain nearly fries.

  • I have a hard time  to pay atenntion to my chores I have to do everyday and I need to get better

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