Criminal Justice System

I am totally prepared to start a campaign if there is not one to support ASD Adults going to court on criminal convictions. There are NO specialist solicitors. The Police are dreadful not trained completely for ASD.  The courts need to improve advocate support inside then just a solicitor alone then generally get guilty pleas instead of looking at the whole. ASD sadly do not always have a voice and always go along with solicitors bad advice. I would like to see solicitors and courts support cases where ASD and social isolation to be taken seriously in any charges and always seek reports as protocol when is known ASD person is before the courts. Can anyone help me know how to improve the system where guilty pleas are forced then the truth and innocence is lost due to ASD going along with early guilty pleas when innocent to criminal convictions then the entire?

  • I was arrested and charged, over 20 electronic devices taken from my house basically for online harassment to girl who wouldn't leave me alone and stalked me for years. She manipulated me into reacting by sending lots of messages and when her husband found out she was messaging me she made a cover story that it was me that wouldn't leave her alone. Almost 3 years later (its taken the police hundreds of hours to go through my devices) the court case is still pending and I haven't been to get on with my life so I have been unemployed or I would have over £10k in legal, technical and psychiatric bills to pay for. I just graduated uni and my career has been ruined. I made a counter complaint showing how this girl had messaged me 50 times in a row previously and had followed me and even showed her driving past my house but the police keep hiding this and only focus on what I did back to her. The psychologist said that autism is not a defence for sending lots of messages or going on to her emails after she gave me the password and that I ought to have known better. BTW the whole case has cost taxpayers over £100k but I'm an easy target to the police and CPS who want to bump their statistics up

  • Update I was convicted of offending the complainer on Facebook and given community service and a social worker for 2 years so it is impossible for me to work an an engineer and deal with all of this and the criminal record. I am now looking into claiming ESA from the taxpayer and will not be contributing to the country, paying my £30k student loan or any income tax back to the public

  • That sounds all wrong and a feature of neurotypical legal people not understanding these distress and thinking of autism. It’s all about our lack of “theory of mind” which means we miss spotting things which others see as obvious, even though we have no malicious intent. 

    The law is very cruel to autistic people. Hopefully something will change . It certainly needs to. Many of the story’s here are terrible. The police and cps are supposed to be under strain but spend time on these inappropriate cases where they harm us with autism 

  • That sounds all wrong and a feature of neurotypical legal people not understanding these distress and thinking of autism. It’s all about our lack of “theory of mind” which means we miss spotting things which others see as obvious, even though we have no malicious intent. 

    The law is very cruel to autistic people. Hopefully something will change . It certainly needs to. Many of the story’s here are terrible. The police and cps are supposed to be under strain but spend time on these inappropriate cases where they harm us with autism 

  • I totally agree with what you say, i find it difficult to put into words, however I feel the in justice  system should be held accountable to the damage and demoralisation on society vulnerable people. it needs to change, support not punishment.

  • u clearly like writing. which makes me think this is where u should focus. i mean writing/researching for newspapers and magazines 

  • Have you thought of sending a description of what's happened to you to a liberal newspaper like The Guardian? They might run a story on it. I think you're good at explaining the shortcomings of the justice system and how it runs against the public interest.

  • My case was basically "online trolling" to someone who had done the same to me. My lawyer described it as being a nuisance but not neccessarily criminal. I think in a logical way, so I was thinking along the lines of; this person won't leave me alone so if I react by demonstarting similar behaviour to what they have done to me, then I have logical reasoning and if I do upset her with messages then I will receive some sort of warning, that it wouldn't make sense for the CJS to spend tens of thousands prosecuting me for something so petty without warning when the complainer has done the exact same to me, and then costing the public tens of thousands more in the tax I now do not pay. The government invested a huge amount in my education to receive a masters in engineering but now the public will never see the benefit of me using this to contribute to the economy.

    I realise now that my thinking was wrong. The politicians are there to come up with pet project new laws to look like they are solving the countries problems to collect their paycheck, in my case "online trolling". The CPS and Police must abide by these laws and in some cases are not left much professional judgement because they need to make examples out of people. Having autism and poor social awareness (to not notice I upset someone), I was an easy target. I live in a rural area where not much happens in terms of crime. My case kept them busy and spent a lot of public funds to ensure that they will maintain their funding from the government and be able to keep themselves in a job. There are no winners, certainly not the public interest or economy in which the whole point of them is, the only winner is those employed in the public sectors fufilling their selfish agendas to look like they are needed and keep their job to pay their mortgage.

    The CJS itself is very one-sided and twisted in the favor of the prosecution where logical explanations are ignored and everything is used against you, more simple and cost-effective solutions such as a social worker referral or police warning are not used. In my opinion the pyschologist which prepared my report was too scared to testify that autism could explain all of my behaviour despite it being fairly obvious this was the cause, and the judge was too scared to throw the case out or pass a miminal sentence for fear of being ridiculed in the newspapers.