

  • I think that it's great that you're planning ahead - that's the first step towards improving your life!

    For confidence, I think it's important to gauge your ability, traits etc, and really get to know yourself. Know what you like and don't like, what you're good at, what you're weaker at, what you'd like to improve. Get a proper sense of who you are, where you'd like to be, and what you can do to get there. Accept yourself for who you are, and accept your imperfections. By accepting who we are and knowing ourselves, we can become confident in our abilities, feelings and decisions!

    You've made a good start on confidence though, so well done for that!

    For friends, I think you're doing great already. You're doing the right things by getting involved, working on skills and challenging yourself. Keep pushing yourself and get that experience - practice makes perfect. Knowing what you like, or what you'd like to know more about, could help you join some more specific groups and connect with people over certain subjects, which provides natural conversation with anyone there!

    For the job, I think that's important to go back to what you really enjoy and find important. Remember, you could be in this job for up to 50 years (in some cases!), so make sure it's something that's close to your heart and enjoyable, otherwise you may not be happy for the duration of your tenure there. I think it's okay to apply to some places to see if you like the role - if you don't, then atleast you've tried it and know you don't want to; if you do, then that's great! The courses will be really good to build your CV - I'd also suggest getting involved with a sports club team, and volunteering (like you said) to make your application really stand out!x

    Much love <3

  • I think that it's great that you're planning ahead - that's the first step towards improving your life!

    For confidence, I think it's important to gauge your ability, traits etc, and really get to know yourself. Know what you like and don't like, what you're good at, what you're weaker at, what you'd like to improve. Get a proper sense of who you are, where you'd like to be, and what you can do to get there. Accept yourself for who you are, and accept your imperfections. By accepting who we are and knowing ourselves, we can become confident in our abilities, feelings and decisions!

    You've made a good start on confidence though, so well done for that!

    For friends, I think you're doing great already. You're doing the right things by getting involved, working on skills and challenging yourself. Keep pushing yourself and get that experience - practice makes perfect. Knowing what you like, or what you'd like to know more about, could help you join some more specific groups and connect with people over certain subjects, which provides natural conversation with anyone there!

    For the job, I think that's important to go back to what you really enjoy and find important. Remember, you could be in this job for up to 50 years (in some cases!), so make sure it's something that's close to your heart and enjoyable, otherwise you may not be happy for the duration of your tenure there. I think it's okay to apply to some places to see if you like the role - if you don't, then atleast you've tried it and know you don't want to; if you do, then that's great! The courses will be really good to build your CV - I'd also suggest getting involved with a sports club team, and volunteering (like you said) to make your application really stand out!x

    Much love <3

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