Unclear instructions

Does anyone get upset at vague instructions that you're expected to just 'get' and yet can't?

Like "Put that cup over there", when there are three cups and 'there' isn't defined? Or "move it back a bit" when "back isn't specified as a direction?

  • If instructions are unclear, I often respond with "I may need more information for that" or "Can you refine that a bit?".

    It's often enough to get the person making the request look at me and pick up on the puzzled expression. A raised eyebrow can often help here.

    Some folks take longer to stop issuing vague requests than others, but it does free up the log jam in my head when I'm not sure what I should be doing.

  • If instructions are unclear, I often respond with "I may need more information for that" or "Can you refine that a bit?".

    It's often enough to get the person making the request look at me and pick up on the puzzled expression. A raised eyebrow can often help here.

    Some folks take longer to stop issuing vague requests than others, but it does free up the log jam in my head when I'm not sure what I should be doing.
