Involuntary outbursts when alone - sort of Tourette's

Very recently diagnosed with ASD. Does anyone else get a sort of mild Tourette's? When I am alone I tend to say things that I'm thinking, or come out with an involuntary groan or word. It happens particularly when I think of something embarrassing. Is this an ASD thingy? Thanks!

  • I often have quite involved conversations with myself.  I suppose it is one way of conversing with someone on exactly the same level as myself!

    I also find myself involuntarily saying things out loud that shouldn't be said in mixed company - and I'm not referring to swear words, but most inappropriate phrases.  They just come out of my mouth without me realising until I actually hear the words, it is quite involuntary.  But it is also very embarrassing.  Luckily most of the time it is quite soft, more under my breath than really out loud.  Whether this is an autistic trait I don't know but I find myself doing it on the bus or at my desk at work.

    All part of life's rich tapestry I suppose!

  • I often have quite involved conversations with myself.  I suppose it is one way of conversing with someone on exactly the same level as myself!

    I also find myself involuntarily saying things out loud that shouldn't be said in mixed company - and I'm not referring to swear words, but most inappropriate phrases.  They just come out of my mouth without me realising until I actually hear the words, it is quite involuntary.  But it is also very embarrassing.  Luckily most of the time it is quite soft, more under my breath than really out loud.  Whether this is an autistic trait I don't know but I find myself doing it on the bus or at my desk at work.

    All part of life's rich tapestry I suppose!

  • The more relaxed I get, the more weird I get. The other day I stopped myself in time before I blurted out a line from little Britain (tv show) to the woman in the post office. I couldn't wait to get out of there because I started laughing and really wanted to say it. 

  • I think I’m a combination of several responses. Yes I talk to myself or to animals out loud both in and out of company.. more in probably ( like a work or shop setting) I’m often unaware I’m doing it until asked “were you speaking to me?” ie is a response required or not! I also exclaim about things sometimes. Recently I have noticed more of the echolaic presentation of repeating words or sentences and in some situations the hand tapping or clapping which again is involuntary and embarrassing when made aware of it. I just thought everyone talked to themselves!