Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • 5 days ago copied as suggested from the other thread
    Another idea for our forum.. I think the 5 heading groups should be extended to have a "Teens and 20's" section. They don't necessarily fit in with parents and carers and they don't fit in quite the same with older adults. They sort of get missed in the middle and need a place. ? Also it does concern me that new people and also some other posts get missed and unless you go to unanswered posts don't get replies.. which must be disheartening.. not sure what you can do about that though

  • Also I posted a thread which I don't know how to find. In it I suggested a page for links and recommendations. For example there are a lot of benefits queries so quick links for that ; or the links for women or assessments etc for some of the repeated concerns which frequently come up. And in connection with this a short appendix ;personal experience and advice/tips of such things burnout/shutdown, meltdown, sensory overload, and other topics where practical ways to help can be together rather than lost in individual threads. 

  • A 'sticky' thread (possibly in a new 'information' group) for links relating to benefits, employment, etc. might be a way of allowing quick access to such information.

    If a new group for such links is created it would need careful control to avoid it becoming 'messy'.

  • A 'sticky' thread (possibly in a new 'information' group) for links relating to benefits, employment, etc. might be a way of allowing quick access to such information.

    If a new group for such links is created it would need careful control to avoid it becoming 'messy'.

  • Just found your sticky thread reply caretwo so thanks for that. I also agree with you about why we might not answer the unanswered posts. For me it uses up energy to reply! 

  • Sorry, Misfit61, I should have explained myself. A 'sticky' thread is one which is pinned (by a moderator/administrator) to the top of a group so that it is visible and does not get lost amongst all the other threads.

    Not having it for chit-chat was part of what I meant about stopping it becoming 'messy' but also for the information to be presented in a logical order.

    I know what I mean when I am typing but forget that it may not be clear to other people. I shall try to be clearer in my future posts (if, as is likely, I forget to do that in future, please just let me know and I shall do my best to explain).

  • I'm sorry caretwo I have no idea what a "sticky thread" is. But it sounds very useful. I don't know what you mean by messy either. But agree it wouldn't be for chitchat but actual links or specific recommendations. For example Deepthought gave some very practical information about selfcare recently. I have participated in several threads and again don't know how to find it. So such strategies would be useful in one place.