I’m not sure what to put here

Hi Wave my Name is Leah 

I did a post regarding, my diagnosis, and I appreciate the comments I got and thank you for making me feel welcome I highly appreciate it I want to make a other discussion as I know most people can relate when they struggle with there emotions, but lately I been feeling down, having low Energy, but I don’t know how to Describe it but I have been feeling this way for a few days now but it just feel like crying but I don’t know why, I also feel like doing nothing even tho I wanna do something but I just don’t know what this emotion is and why I feel that way as I’m normally a happy girl but sometimes I just get so down.

  • In addtition to Kate Kestrel's great suggestions, one of my own to add: if there is one thing your normally really like doing - try and pick something at least vaguely related to that interest and just have a go - it doesn't matter if you find yourself tiring of it sooner than usual - just pick up where you left off a bit later and have a subsequent go.

    For example, if I really don't feel up to "doing" my interest, the compromise might be to play a YouTube video around it or listen to a podcast or audio book about it.  Just give something a bit of a go (you may well surprise yourself how much you still get out it that effort).

  • In addtition to Kate Kestrel's great suggestions, one of my own to add: if there is one thing your normally really like doing - try and pick something at least vaguely related to that interest and just have a go - it doesn't matter if you find yourself tiring of it sooner than usual - just pick up where you left off a bit later and have a subsequent go.

    For example, if I really don't feel up to "doing" my interest, the compromise might be to play a YouTube video around it or listen to a podcast or audio book about it.  Just give something a bit of a go (you may well surprise yourself how much you still get out it that effort).

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