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My 13 year old daughter has been refusing to wear underwear for a few years,  she can’t/won’t tolerate the feeling.  We have tried all sorts of underwear, seam free etc to no avail.  She has recently started her periods and we are having a nightmare.  Does anyone have any advice?   Thanks in advance. Xx 

  • Sorry, I'm not sure I can be of any help but I just wanted to reach out and say your daughter is not alone with this particular sensory issue. I struggle with underwear too.

    For the upper body I find crop top styles so there are no wires or hooks. 

    For the lower body I wear seam free which isn't comfortable but it's an awful lot better than seams... I know I need to wear something so I wear something and do my best to not have uncomfortable layers on top... I've also shopped around a lot and tried many many style to try and find what feels like the best if a bad bunch.

    For the periods, I take a version of the pill that has stopped them. I'm not sure if this is a suitable option at 13... I guess speaking with a medical professional might be helpful... I know that not everyone speaks favourable about the pill but I was recommended for me by my doctor and for me it has been absolutely life changing. I use it only to control my periods, they have stopped entirely and I don't have the monthly hormonal rollercoaster anymore. It has been greatly helpful for me.

    I found that my sensory issues are better or worse depending on other factors. If I'm distracted and engaging in my special interest then I'm able to somewhat ignore my sensory sensitivities. If I'm anxious, agitated, stressed, tired, overwhelmed, overloaded, etc. then my sensory sensitivities seem much worse. I think the likelihood is that my sensitivities are constant but I'm able to cope with them better at times when life is better. Clothing is a longing standing sensory issue for me but with time I've learned what works best for me and perhaps your daughter will be the same as she matures... I've learned somethings are essential and I need to accept them, whereas other things can be altered to suit my needs. 

  • Thank you so much for your honest input, I really appreciate it. 

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