Autism and depression

Hi, feeling really hopeless just left the hospital where my 15 years old autistic daughter is detained under section. I just need someone to give me a little hope and tell me if she is going to stop trying to end her life. I fear that one day she will succeed. I listen to the doctor and it doesn't feel me with confidence as they don't seem to know what to do and keep trying different things that don't work. Why does she get so depressed? Sorry about this whimpering but most of the people I know just look at me with puppy eyes and want to hug me but they don't really understand. I know you guys do.

  • Hi NAS35188,

    I'm sorry you and your daughter are having a rough time. We have a page on the site that explains a bit about autism and depression and gives links to further information and resources from mental health charities that might be able to help -

    If you'd like to speak to someone directly who can tell you more about the options available please do call the NAS helpline on 0808 800 4104 .

    Hope this is of some help,

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

  • Hi NAS35188,

    I'm sorry you and your daughter are having a rough time. We have a page on the site that explains a bit about autism and depression and gives links to further information and resources from mental health charities that might be able to help -

    If you'd like to speak to someone directly who can tell you more about the options available please do call the NAS helpline on 0808 800 4104 .

    Hope this is of some help,

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod

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