Requesting friendship?

Hi all I see to contact someone on here privately you first have to request friendship? Not sure I want formal friends and not sure why anyone would want to be friends with me. I only ever had one friend and he was NT and scarpered when his hormones kicked in,found a lovely young lady. None since and I am 54.

So if I did request a "friend" would I get confirmation saying"you are now friends with" or "your friend request has been denied".

I am tempted to do it but would need someone to agree to be requested for the sake of finding out.

Just curious.

I think maybe after thirty posts then private messaging would be nice.would keep out any unscrupulous new members here to cause harm?

would show who you are by your content after thirty posts?

many thanks.

I forgot to say how irratating it is listening to fb users saying" oh I have 609 friends" I have four,one daughter,an old school mate, an ex teacher and the brother of an old school mate who died to young. I ignore friend requests.

  • I would really like to know how the friendship request thing works too.

    I have received a friend request and there was a button I could press which either allowed or denied the request- but I have not done either as yet, simply because I don't know what either option actually means.

    I don't know what happens if I allow- does this mean that the 'friend' then has my personal contact details or does this mean they can then contact me privately but still through the safety (anonymity) of this site?

    I have tried to have a look about on this site to find out more about it but have not found any real or clear information which could help me understand exactly how this works.

    I don't use Facebook or any similar social media, which is perhaps why I am a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to understanding these things.  

    So any advice from anyone about it would be really great, thank you.

  • I am afraid I cannot help much with how friend requests work but allowing friends does allow you to limit receiving private messages from friends only. I believe the default is that private messages are allowed for everyone (the other option is no one is allowed to send you private messages).

    As you highlighted the need for help (in some form) in using the forum, please consider posting such a suggestion on the 'Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback' thread. With luck, we will be given some permanent guidance (in addition to the 'Hints and tips') about friend requests and all the other forum functionality.

  • Thanks caretwo, that's really great advice, I had not thought to flag it up officially in this way. I will post this as a suggestion as you advised.

    Thank you again.

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