Spam alert

Dear moderators, there is some serious spamming going on here, about counterfeit money etc please sort it out


  • If there is a fire and the fire alarm goes off then people must panic, and take action to evacuate. Of course panic does not mean running around screaming like a headless chicken. But it means taking quick orderly appropriate action.

    Hi Aspergix, I'm afraid you're wrong there, people must not panic, the definition of panic is "a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons or animals.". That causes irrational and sub-optimal actions, or even actions which make the situation worse.

    If you see a fire you set off the fire alarm to allow everyone else in the building to evacuate before it gets to a dangerous level, if you're trained and know that it's safe to do so then you can tackle it with fire extinguishers. The evacuation should take place in a calm and orderly manner. It’s why military forced have multiple drills, so that in the case of the actual situation taking hold, fire or missile strike onboard ship, emergency scramble from airfield, incoming attack on a base in a war zone everyone knows what to do and does it, no panic and panic always worstens the situation.

  • If there is a fire and the fire alarm goes off then people must panic, and take action to evacuate. Of course panic does not mean running around screaming like a headless chicken. But it means taking quick orderly appropriate action.

    Hi Aspergix, I'm afraid you're wrong there, people must not panic, the definition of panic is "a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons or animals.". That causes irrational and sub-optimal actions, or even actions which make the situation worse.

    If you see a fire you set off the fire alarm to allow everyone else in the building to evacuate before it gets to a dangerous level, if you're trained and know that it's safe to do so then you can tackle it with fire extinguishers. The evacuation should take place in a calm and orderly manner. It’s why military forced have multiple drills, so that in the case of the actual situation taking hold, fire or missile strike onboard ship, emergency scramble from airfield, incoming attack on a base in a war zone everyone knows what to do and does it, no panic and panic always worstens the situation.

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