Closing account

How do I do it? I don't think I'm wanted here. I'll probably not qualify for a diagnosis anyway , so really shouldn't be here.

  • Why would you think you're not wanted here? I'm sure lots of people enjoyed reading your posts and comments, and we all share a mutual understanding revolving around autistic traits (regardless of a formal diagnosis or not). Also, I don't think there's any need to terminate the account - if you'd like to take a break, you can still leave your account open and come back again when you are ready.

  • The fact that only one person replied to my post about my ADOS assessment on Friday. 

  • Hi 

    Don't leave because of this, I have posted before and received no replies, It does not mean you are not welcome.

    I personally didn't answer your post as I have no experience of the ados assessment, so didn't feel it was something I should comment on 

  • Hi 

    Don't leave because of this, I have posted before and received no replies, It does not mean you are not welcome.

    I personally didn't answer your post as I have no experience of the ados assessment, so didn't feel it was something I should comment on 

  • Yeah, I agree. Before my diagnosis, I didn't reply to most posts about ADOS either, since I don't have experience, I didn't feel it was something I should comment on. I also stopped reading mid-way through some posts that gave too many details about ADOS, since I hadn't been assessed, I felt that I shouldn't know what the test was about, because I wanted to be assessed genuinely if they were going to use ADOS.