Refused treatment

Has anyone here been refused NHS medical treatment? For any reason.

I've only been refused treatment  twice.

Would people like to share their experiences?

  • It’s weird, but I kind of get the tingles (AMSR) when I got to the doctors and especially when I get the blood pressure taken but admittedly, it’s not the same with all doctors and generally, I am in and out of there as quick as I can. 

    I was the same as you with my son, I trusted my instincts, which is definitely not easy when surrounded by a world that believes doctors are god, they know best, you should do what the doctor says etc etc, it was really hard but I reckon a lot of our confidence probably came from those times because thinking about it now, we were very brave to go against medical advice, aka, go against the world, which is almost akin to killing a baby kitten in front of a classroom full of primary school kids or something. I’d love to have my time with my son all over again and this time I would own my confidence because we were very very brave, without even realising it, we were probably too busy worrying and caring for the kids to even notice such a thing. 

  • Yes, they are keen on their little labels aren't they? My youngest daughter was diagnosed with Asthma at about 18-months old and I said to the Doctor there and then that he was wrong - he didn't appreciate that so we just refused to see him again. She's a teenager now and has never had an asthma attack or any breathing difficulties since then. She hardly ever even gets colds. Go figure! 

    A Health Visitor said my older daughter, at about 3 or 4 years old, had ADHD. Again I disagreed and I still stand by that. She was just an energetic, bouncy determined little kid who (it later turned out) had hearing problems (glue ear) and wasn't actually hearing instructions because she often couldn't see the face of the person speaking to her.  

    I'm so glad I trusted my instincts with my children but at the time I did worry (a lot) in case I was doing the wrong thing because I'm not a Doctor, I just 'felt' that what they were saying didn't fit my children somehow.

    I'm not too keen on having my blood pressure taken. I don't mind the process so much (similarly with injections or having blood taken) but the part I hate is having the nurse / doctor in my space and touching me. It just makes my skin crawl. I hate being examined and avoid it at all costs.   

  • I find them helpful in their own way and I’m grateful to them for the times I do turn to them but they know next to nothing about good health and that’s more of what I’m interested in, not pathologising every little ache or pain or situation I have and making it into a fixed illness or condition and then giving me drugs or surgery.  But they’re ok for routine things like blood tests and I have a little obsession with getting my blood pressure taken, not for the numbers, but just because I like it so they’re good for that, you can usually get em to whip it out and do a little test on you  but you can also go to a chemist and get it done for free, whenever you want. It’s such a treat. I travel around the world getting my blood pressure taken. My friend wants to do a YouTube channel on me and my blood pressure obsession lol! 

  • I've been refused NHS medical treatment twice, on each occasion I was told I wasn't old enough (in my 40's) to have the procedures I'd enquired about, which seems ridiculous to me.   

    On another occasion I was refused NHS dental treatment because the crowns I enquired about were considered purely cosmetic and so not necessary for my dental health. Fair enough, I think, on that occasion. 

    Generally speaking I don't believe everything a Doctor tells me, they do make mistakes. They seem to only want to give out drugs anyway and I usually have to explain that I don't want pills but was asking for useful, constructive advice. That's after I've had to fill them in on the pertinent parts of my medical history that they haven't bothered their ass to read before I arrived.     

  • That reminds me of two other occasions. 

    Once I had a filling come out, which had never happened to me before and I couldn’t stand it, it was horrible. So I went straight to the dentists surgery and told them I needed to see a dentist, now. She said it wasn’t possible and even if it was an emergency, which according to her it wasn’t, they didn’t have any emergency appointments. I said I don’t want an appointment, I just want to see a dentist now. Once she realised I was not leaving the building, without a filling, not a temporary one (I couldn’t risk that), she spoke to the dentist and within 15 minutes of me arriving there, I left with a new filling. 

    The other occasion was when I was living on the Isle of Man. I was in the relationship with the narcissist, he wasn’t there at the time, but I was highly stressed and couldn’t sleep so I went to the doctors to get some strong sleeping pills. I got there and they said I had to register, fill out a form and have an initial appointment then if they’re going to take me on as a new patient, I could make an appointment to see a doctor. I said I don’t want an appointment, I want to see a doctor today. When she realised I wasn’t leaving without seeing a doctor, she had a word with her manager. They agreed that if I filled in a form, I could see a doctor today but I would have to come back for an appointment to have the initial assessment thing. I said I couldn’t read or write so they completed the form for me and I went away and went back in an hour or so, saw the doctor and got the sleeping pills. They were amazing. I had never had them before and they got me off to sleep within minutes of taking them. I did take a double dose of the strongest strength, I wasn’t taking any chances and they were great. I’ve had them since a couple of times. I’m not sure if I ever went back for their initial appointment thing, probably not, but maybe I can’t remember. 

    It was a bit of a similar case with the gall stones thing. I was living in the Lake District then and a friend had come to stay with me so we had plans so instead of just living with the intense pain I was in, like I would normally do, until I found out what it was telling me, I went and got checked out becauase my friend, and then the chemist, thought my appendix were about to burst and that I could die if they did. So I got into the hospital and once they told me it wasn’t my appendix but that they want to take a gallbladder out, I said no thank you and upped and left. I don’t mind pain, it’s a sign that something’s not right, I just need to find out what that is and doctors are rarely much help with that, but I was grateful they checked me out that day, especially as I seemed to jump the queue, but we were going to go ape so I just wanted to get checked out and have done what needed to be done or get the all clear and get the hell out of there so we could get on with our day. And I no longer get that intense crippling pain, I sorted that, without having anything removed from me or without medication or seeing a doctor. 

    I tend to use doctors for what I want. When I went for the referral for the autism assessment and a sick note, when I came back from Bali last year, my doctor could hardly believe his ears or his eyes when I walked in and told him what I wanted. He said you could be anyone just walking off the streets and saying that. I said I am just anyone, not that I could be. So can I have the sick note and will you do the referral. He gave me what I wanted but he also said a prayer for me. I must have been in there for half an hour, it was getting boring towards the end but when he said the prayer, which was weird, because I didn’t know what I was supposed to do or what that really meant, but I saw him close his eyes so I did then he came out and said, out loud, the very same words I had said in a type of prayer about a month prior to that when I was living in Bali. I couldn’t believe it. He then gave me a copy of his bible and I couldn’t wait to get home to read it. I just knew I would open it up at a page and it would be the message or answer to my prayers. And it was. It turns out this dude is well known for the power of his prayers. My friend used to be at his church and has witnessed and experienced the power of his prayer but after she told me that, I told her he had prayed for me and I wish I hadn’t because she went mad, she said he should be struck off the register, he’s not allowed to pray for patients. He’s like a bit of a friend now, he seems to like talking to me and he’s always inviting me to his church, but I haven’t been yet and I find him a bit boring for me so I’m always happy when it’s not him I get to see everytime when I go for a sick note. 

  • Interesting experience and opinions.

    My first refusal was when I was 18.  I tried to register with my local Dentist.  I hadn't seen a dentist for about 5 years.  Last one was a check-up at school which led to a filling.

    Now my teeth were very bad and decaying.  I had had an accident while eating chicken wings and the chicken wing bone had gone straight through one of my rotten teeth into my gums.  Pain was awful.

    I went to my  local Dentist.  He had a brief look and refused to either treat me or take me on as a patient.

    Next day I went to a different dentist.  He made an appointment for me with the local dental hospital. Where I had 5 teeth removed under general anesthetic.

    Second refusal was in Manchester.  I had started a new job and moved.  But I was still registered with a GP in Birmingham.  I fell very ill with a recurring ear infection.  Pain was terrible, I felt like someone was jamming a sharp pencil down my ears. I had a very high temperature and was coughing flem with blood.  

    I went to the local medical centre and asked to see a doctor.  They made excuses such as I had to register and see practice manager first. After waiting for over an hour they said she is away and unavailable today etc etc.  I must have spent over 3 hours in their waiting room , shivering feverish etc etc.  Half sitting then laying on the floor in agony.  Eventually I went home (about 5 minutes away).

    Next day I struggled to the next medical centre.  Where I saw a doctor and complained about my treatment at the other  place.  They explained that that new medical center was oversubscribed and would only accept families with children.  Not single adults.  And this area had a high drug problem.  So they don't want problem patients.

  • I was refused to have any scans when I was pregnant, that the nhs normally do for pregnant mothers. Apparently I kicked off at one appointment, well not apparently, I did kick off, so they told me to leave and never come back again! lol! Which suited me as I’m not really into going to doctors and hospitals anyway, not when there’s something wrong with me anyway, I’d rather deal with that myself. And I wasn’t that fussed at seeing the baby on a scan anyway, I could feel it inside me and that was good enough for me. I don’t think I’ve been refused any other treatment but I have refused their treatment. The hospital once wanted to take out my gall bladder I think it is, as they said I was having gallstone problems. I said no thank you, I’m good to go, you can leave my body parts in tact and I’ll deal with this myself, and I did. Oh, I also refuse these things they keep sending letters out to me about, for scans and mammograms or something and health checks to see if I’m at risk of heart attack etc???? I nearly fell through the floor laughing when they invited me for that particular check!!! Oh yeah right, I’ll come to you, you tell me I’m at risk and then what?!?!? I don’t understand it, they know nothing about health only illness so if they think I’m at risk of a health problem, what in hell could they possibly do about it, other than try and fill me with dread and fear which is guaranteed to bring the risk into a reality. They don’t study health they study illness, so they don’t know how to heal the body, only patch it up which is sometimes helpful, but not in the long run.