Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • Feeling really upset for my friend.

    A friend of mine met a man online, on this forum and for a long time they were in email contact but things didn't go great and then he had "friends" who emailed my friend and was vile to her but he defended himself and then she tried going her own way but he found her on here so they emailed again for a bit but then he was horrible to her and she said she wouldn't be in touch and then he said he would be lonely and then she agreed to stay in touch and he said he had to ask his mum and it was his mum who told him to be horrible to her...

    So she's at last realised he's no good and isn't going to bother with horrible rubbish like that again.

    I don't know why people like him have to do stuff like that. My friend was already in a bad place because of losing her sister and now she's a total mess all because of him.

    So angry at him and so sorry for my friend.

  • I'm really sorry to hear that.

    I hope your friend recovers from this trauma.

    She has a good friend in you.

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