Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • I'm not sure if I'm angry but I certainly can complain. My brother asked me to do something for him, which is to ask our brother to help him financially. I said "no, he's your brother too. Talk to him, ask for help personally!. Also, it's the polite way to do it!!". Since then, he has been texting me in such a formal distanced manner which isn't normal to us. It feels like a punishment because I said no or he's behaving as if I let him dowm. What he asked to do was very annoying and his reaction to my rejection is very annoying too!!.

    Ach another complaint is about my flatmate. They invited one of their friends to stay in our flat for 3 days and didn't even ask me in advance if I'm ok with it!! It was just imposed on me!. I certainly was very annoyed and told them something like "it's not ok! I think it's even a rude thing to do! You can't treat me as if I'm the pet in the flat!". I was very sharp and assertive. It's such a big NO to me. We have been very distanced after that. I tried to sort of make things better by inviting them for tea or a walk or leaving them some food that I made but they still are very distanced and sometimes rude, as walking next to me when I'm carrying something heavy without offering any help. I even apologized for the way I talked to them but it didn't seem to change anything. I hate this situation and I have no idea what's wrong with them.. I'm very upset about having this sort of disagreements with people around me.. 

  • I'm not sure if I'm angry but I certainly can complain. My brother asked me to do something for him, which is to ask our brother to help him financially. I said "no, he's your brother too. Talk to him, ask for help personally!. Also, it's the polite way to do it!!". Since then, he has been texting me in such a formal distanced manner which isn't normal to us. It feels like a punishment because I said no or he's behaving as if I let him dowm. What he asked to do was very annoying and his reaction to my rejection is very annoying too!!.

    Ach another complaint is about my flatmate. They invited one of their friends to stay in our flat for 3 days and didn't even ask me in advance if I'm ok with it!! It was just imposed on me!. I certainly was very annoyed and told them something like "it's not ok! I think it's even a rude thing to do! You can't treat me as if I'm the pet in the flat!". I was very sharp and assertive. It's such a big NO to me. We have been very distanced after that. I tried to sort of make things better by inviting them for tea or a walk or leaving them some food that I made but they still are very distanced and sometimes rude, as walking next to me when I'm carrying something heavy without offering any help. I even apologized for the way I talked to them but it didn't seem to change anything. I hate this situation and I have no idea what's wrong with them.. I'm very upset about having this sort of disagreements with people around me.. 

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