Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • I got a lovely warning from my languqge school, that a new parent has been complaining that I have been shy by some seconds each time of the 60 minutes I am supposed to be online with with their kid. Normally the school  not worry about a few seconds, but....

    So now I will have to count those missing seconds amd add them to the next session...

    Petty, much?

  • Both petty and also the deal so yeah, you have to give those minutes back with as much good grace as you can muster.

    But of greater concern to me is are you dealing with someone who plays hard "games"?

    I push a book here (mainly in my profile, now I've been here a couple of years but had very little feedback form people who I've recommended it to) which I read in my twenties, and has served me almost as well as the Bible as a general handbook fro getting along with people. It describes a game of NIGYYSOB where a person will take great pleasure in being petty and vindictive, explains reasons why people act like that and provides where possible antithesis for such games.

    It might be useful to you, if you are dealing with someone who "doesn't like the cut of your jib" and is using a real but incredibly trivial failure on your part to express this, in which case you need to find out what they really object to and find a workaround that removes or reframes the perceived issue, or if you are as impatient and uncompromising as myself with other peoples nastiness, (I have enough of my own to deal with!) get them out of your life, as quickly as possible.

    I feel for you.

  • Both petty and also the deal so yeah, you have to give those minutes back with as much good grace as you can muster.

    But of greater concern to me is are you dealing with someone who plays hard "games"?

    I push a book here (mainly in my profile, now I've been here a couple of years but had very little feedback form people who I've recommended it to) which I read in my twenties, and has served me almost as well as the Bible as a general handbook fro getting along with people. It describes a game of NIGYYSOB where a person will take great pleasure in being petty and vindictive, explains reasons why people act like that and provides where possible antithesis for such games.

    It might be useful to you, if you are dealing with someone who "doesn't like the cut of your jib" and is using a real but incredibly trivial failure on your part to express this, in which case you need to find out what they really object to and find a workaround that removes or reframes the perceived issue, or if you are as impatient and uncompromising as myself with other peoples nastiness, (I have enough of my own to deal with!) get them out of your life, as quickly as possible.

    I feel for you.

  • Thank you I Sperg. I will be very good next week and count those seconds, and I hope you are wrong about the hard games. Hopefully itbis justbthe one parent. I've encountered plenty of nastiness at work in different scenarios and  don't rule out the possibility tbat this might be a way to demoralise me or curb my independence so tbat I might be cowed enough to really sing for my supper. However, she may fail to consider the possibility that I could get better-paying private students, or that I might have savings to fall back on, and that I am getting close to retiring, though pensions here are not really enough to live on.