Desperate Mother of Adult Son

Hi, we live in Wales. My son has always been withdrawn, anxious, different to others. School would say, he won’t put his hand up, join in with group activities, ask to go to the toilet till too late. That was in the nineties.

Flunked Secondary school. And college because his friend left.

Since school he has only had a few jobs. Ones that friends have got him and they work together. He doesn’t leave the house without his partner. Always on the computer. Doesn’t go to Doctors or Dentist as will not speak to strangers even on the telephone. He doesn’t make eye contact when speaking to people. His partner shaves his hair as he will not go the barbers. He has no income, no real life. Just existing really. He is very depressed. My daughter had to make his partner take him to the doctors. Been put on antidepressants. 

I have tried to talk to him about Autism and diagnosis on text as he won’t see me. It breaks my heart

  • What age is your boy? He sounds like he has severe anxiety. Do the antidepressants not help? Maybe try going up in dose? I also struggle like your son although not to the same severity. I don’t have a partner or anything though. But I heard about this antidepressant called tianeptine it works different to other antidepressants because instead of just increasing serotonin it actually decreases a receptor in the brain called NMDA similar to alcohol. Which can cause relaxation of the nerves. Only just heard about this yesterday and didn’t even know that it existed. I might even enquire about it I dunno. Because I have been looking for something that would help my severe anxiety too.

  • On second thoughts I’d probably just stick with the one I’m on as it works quite well. But best of luck though.

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