experience with therapist

hi everyone,

I am very concern the way i am being treated by my specialist as I felt they are forcing to adapt the normal enviroment and i am very traumatizing. I had been hurting myself alot these night with lots of bruises and cant sleep due to the depression.

my specialist had been forcing me to put down my special interest in disney characters, fairy tale and costumed characters and adapt the mainstream enviroment. they even force me to interact with someone I don't like (my peers). My peers loves things like sport and watching television whcih i don't like. 

In my world, i like playing with the children and we play together around my area with toys and dolls. the reason i like interacting with the children because they share interest like me. but my specialist is forcing me not to hang out with them because of age difference eventhought no one mind about it. their parent don't bother about this and no one care about this. but they still force me not to hang out with someone who shares interest like me while interact with someone don't have interest like me. they are doing this to me because of my age and i feel like they are bullying me. 

i am very traumatized but no adult are listening to me as they all are on my specialist side just because this lady is a therapist. if i talk to my parent about it, they will punnish me for not being greatful to my specialist. I have no one on my side. I need help.

I am being forced to adapting an enviroment that i don't like. I am very very traumatized.

Does anyone here is on myside and think it's okay of what i like to be doing as i need help.

reminder i am someone at my very late teen.

  • Hi Adrien. Sorry to hear about how your feeling right now. I would say as long as the parents of the younger children are fine with it then it's not anyone else's business. I do understand that these days people may worry for your safety (accusations) and others in regards to age differences. It would be awful for things to be perceived in a way that isnt correct. I dont have Autism my son does and hes 10. I can tell you he prefers the company of his 7 year old bro and his friends than that of kids his own age. His peers are bored of the things he's still very much interested in. It's so hard for you guys I really feel for you when making sense of this world. I cant make sense of this world and I dont have Autism. I recently recieved a post about blue buckets for halloween. It said I may look older but I have autism and still enjoy halloween basically.  I'm thinking you enjoy things that other people perceive to be too young for you but like the blue bucket raises awareness for halloween it should raise awareness all year round??? People need to be more educated and accepting of Autism. Are your parents supportive. If so maybe talk to them about how you feel? 

  • well about age difference concerned, lewishad, i mean if i have autism, that shouldnt be that concerned. my therapist could tell people i am autistic. like i even heard a severe autistic man who has a mind of a child and one day, he just said hello to the child and even hug him because the child is cute, the parent didnt even mind as they can see he is autistic and even smile and say that he is good with children. i mean having autism should be a freepass for interacting with children as long as both get on well okay which is also apply to other people of any age. and as what the therapist are concern, i mean eventhought a 16 years old interact with younger children, some people still get worried but i did that since as a 16 years old as well but no one mind. so that shouldnt be my therapist business and coming to destroy my world and ruin me. 

  • and for accusation, i mean the gardai (mean police in ireland) are trained to deal with people with autism and i also have my autism id card. say if the accusation did happened, all my parent could say is that i'm autistic so the gardai will understand and nothing will happened.

  • so do you mean by i can interact with children but i still need to interact with people at my own age as well as children?

    Well given that your psychological maturation is more like a child's, and your physiological age is more like an adult's, a measure of both interaction types would seem reasonable, so basically yes you still need to interact with children the same age as you mentally 'and' adults the same age as you physically.

    Your mind is maturing at one rate in terms of being younger, and your body is maturing at another rate in terms of being older, so these younger and older rates of maturation or development need to be accounted for and worked with at different times ~ to allow for your psychological (personal) and sociological (social) development to happen for you in a healthy life affirming way, as in terms of being an autistic person.

    Does that make sense?

  • so do you mean by i can interact with children but i still need to interact with people at my own age as well as children?

Reply Children

  • so do you mean by i can interact with children but i still need to interact with people at my own age as well as children?

    Well given that your psychological maturation is more like a child's, and your physiological age is more like an adult's, a measure of both interaction types would seem reasonable, so basically yes you still need to interact with children the same age as you mentally 'and' adults the same age as you physically.

    Your mind is maturing at one rate in terms of being younger, and your body is maturing at another rate in terms of being older, so these younger and older rates of maturation or development need to be accounted for and worked with at different times ~ to allow for your psychological (personal) and sociological (social) development to happen for you in a healthy life affirming way, as in terms of being an autistic person.

    Does that make sense?