New member and looking for co-workers in the NAS (on the Spectrum)


I am looking for co-workers on the Spectrum/with Autism/Autistic (whatever you prefer): who maybe able to support my current mission.

There are things happening at my NAS work place that need to be promoted for the sake of others.

My boss is unwilling to have his name attached to what he has done and is doing for our successful working environment. I have tried to pursued him that it is his social responsibility to spread the word but he's having no of it!

The most recent major change is the lighting system.

Where I work is the most Autism friendly place I HAVE EVER BEEN!!!

I will give more details when asked but there's other work stuff to do. I will probably have to ask my HR team about what details I'm allowed to give but I'll wait to see if there is any interest first.

I'm an I.T. twit who can't spell, so compassion could be required to read my emails.

Is anybody on the Spectrum (AKA Autistic or whatever name you wish to use) interested in helping me promote change in the NAS?


Bob (not my real name).