Autism shame?

I didn’t really care when I got my diagnosis. It was what it was, and I lived with it. I did a huge autism workbook with a family friend. It didn’t really matter. 
But recently I’ve become aware of how ashamed I am. I always feel like the child nobody ever wanted to have. The sob story on Britain’s got talent. The problem child.

And I don’t know how to accept it when it’s all in media. I don’t know how to accept it while people still say I’m sorry to my mum if she says something.

Has anyone else experienced this?

  • 2018 when diagnosed I was open about it to all. But reactions at work and with some friends made me ashamed of having it.

    We moved due to my husbands work and I haven't told anyone because I don't want to go through that again. 

    Now I feel more peace personally about it. But have still decided thus far  not to share as I don't trust people. 

  • I thought it would help me to be open about it but I find so much discrimination that I am inclined to keep quiet about it - I never thought it would be this bad.  The Guardian aren't helping, they are so quick to highlight the fact that someone is autistic if they have committed some violent crime, there's been a few cases lately where the perpetrator happened to be diagnosed autistic. It's as if they are deliberately trying to make a link in the public's mind between autism and sociopathic behaviour. 

  • I thought it would help me to be open about it but I find so much discrimination that I am inclined to keep quiet about it - I never thought it would be this bad.  The Guardian aren't helping, they are so quick to highlight the fact that someone is autistic if they have committed some violent crime, there's been a few cases lately where the perpetrator happened to be diagnosed autistic. It's as if they are deliberately trying to make a link in the public's mind between autism and sociopathic behaviour. 

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