Struggling at the moment. Don't know what to do.

Feeling quite low at the moment and feeling very irritable. The smallest thing is annoying me at the moment and I keep misunderstanding situations and getting annoyed over them. I'd been feeling down at home for a while but ok in work but now I feel like it all the time. I end up coming home feeling rotten. I don't know what to do about it.

  • Hi there, thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I can emphasise towards being sensitive which to others may come across as overreacting. It is easy to make mistakes but that is what makes us human we cannot live in a world without making mistakes. At the same time, we live and learn from those times to make a negative into a positive. Try not to be too hard on yourself and do something that calms or destresses you.

  • This sounds familiar. Is it something you're missing, do you think?

    I know you were asking about turning down parties recently.

    If you think it might be depression, are you getting any professional support, eg from your GP or a counsellor?

    If it doesn't work, do something different. If it does work, do more of it.