What to do whilst the forum isn't available or at any time: suggestions box

'For these reasons the online community may not be available on the 26th of September for a short amount of time due to these reasons.'


  • Going out for coffee in a community hub café, returning my unsuitable book to the library and hopefully find a happy one. On the way home doing some errands. Finishing things off.

  • Oh no! What was the book? I hope that you find a better one, too.

    I'm reading a book and just not getting into it at all. I usually read the same old books with a new one occasionally. I'm reading an official James Bond book (without James Bond, but with the other 00s!) called "Double Or Nothing" (clever title - '00'), but I'm struggling because they use first names, last names, and 004 etc interchangeably and I get really confused. (I'm rubbish a names enough as it is). But I've started, so I'll finish. Just don't ask me what actually happened afterwards.

  • Yearbook by Holly Bourne. Trigger warning at the beginning of the book. Hopefully can find another one. 

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