What to do whilst the forum isn't available or at any time: suggestions box

'For these reasons the online community may not be available on the 26th of September for a short amount of time due to these reasons.'


  • I've just realised that I've used an anachronistic image: the suggestions box was a physical box with a slot in the top.

    People would write suggestions on a piece of paper and place in there.

    It's a bit like 'answers on a postcard please' which I sometimes say.

    That was used on TV programmes.

    Older woman

  • I've just realised that I've used an anachronistic image: the suggestions box was a physical box with a slot in the top.

    People would write suggestions on a piece of paper and place in there.

    It's a bit like 'answers on a postcard please' which I sometimes say.

    That was used on TV programmes.

    Older woman

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