Do you miss a good discussion?

I do, people seem so afraid of causing offence that they don't seem to say anything, others are a sense of offence looking for somewhere to happen. It seems that any sort of challenge however mild is a no no, even when someone asks for clarification of a point it seems that someone will take offence on sombody elses defence.

I really enjoyed Pixiefox's AI thread, but so few people seem willing or able to engage with the issues or even ask questions, why is this?

I'd love there to be threads that are lively and topics are discussed robustly, you don't have to be rude when challenging someone's viewpoint, just be firm and say something like, 'I feel that...'

I've just finished a book on the origins of the Anglo-Saxons, it goes into linguistics, DNA, archaeology as well as the documented history, I know its a bit specialist but it would be really good to feel that it's something I could share with others.

  • Unfortunately there is a history of severe disagreement on this forum .So often serious subjects are avoided these days.  Many of us are trying to rub along with each other, despite not agreeing with each other.

  • Disagreement is fine. Sometimes you disagree with people though. Why does it have to be a bad thing. I think autistic people can be quite conflict averse. By this I mean they want to get on with everybody all the time it’s not natural though. I disagree with people all the time who cares? It’s totally normal to argue and disagree. What kinda world would it be if you never said anything wrong at all. Because that’s what autistic people want they want perfection. They can’t be seen to have upset someone. Just let it go man. Disagree with me if you want I don’t care. It’s fine. I’m not rubbing along with anyone. I’m fine with everybody on here if there’s a disagreement it can be resolved not the end of the world. Me and Isperg disagreed many times in the past so what? I don’t hold a grudge on him I don’t care tbh. Just do you treat others with respect you don’t have to be perfect. I’m not perfect thank god. Disagreeing with someone is not the same as hating someone or not getting along. It’s part of life. I was at a meeting the other day and everyone was arguing one minute hugging the next this is the unpredictable human behaviour that the autistic brain cannot handle. It’s too overwhelming. You’ve hit the nail on the head here. 

  • I am not conflict averse at all. I am extremely opinionated. But I have to bite my tongue more for the sake of others and for the sake of myself and my own mental health.

    It would be nice if everyone could just get along in the world despite their ethical differences, but that is not the world we're living in and never will be.  Take a look at the Middle East and Eastern Europe.  

    There's more trouble and chaos coming  down the line in this country too.

  • Thank you very much for defending me.

  • Look I’m having difficult time in life right now and no one is cutting me any slack. I understand we have our ‘trusted friends’ and everything but I have no friends so there’s that. Sadly we don’t all get eve try thing in life. Or remotely anything if your me for that matter.

  • I'm so confused. The order in which posts are presented doesn't help me figure these threads out. But you are joking here, right? (It's hard for me to tell)

  • That’s gaslighting. I am reporting this I feel attacked and under threat here.

    I think you misunderstand.

    I highlighted two members reading a post completely differently and taking opposite views on it.

    One set of words, two sets of interpretations.

    Then, you say I am gaslighting which is an interpretation I hadn't expected or intended and that you feel I am threatening you.

    It's a minefield.

  • That’s gaslighting. I am reporting this I feel attacked and under threat here.

  • For what it's worth, I didn't see it that way at all. I feel it was just a way of politely bringing the conversation to a close. Done out of consideration and care not to upset you or anyone else here, and out of consideration for their own mental health. Maybe try to view it as respectful, rather than dismissive or unfriendly. :)

    I agree.

    It wasn’t polite or friendly. I was being nice and he through it back at me because he didn’t like what I said. So how can I view it as not that when it is? Can you not see how what he said was unfriendly? If not fair enough.

    I think this is a good example of how discussions become heated ...

  • It wasn’t polite or friendly. I was being nice and he through it back at me because he didn’t like what I said. So how can I view it as not that when it is? Can you not see how what he said was unfriendly? If not fair enough.

  • By the way that’s not very nice or friendly what you said. It’s quite dismissive.

    For what it's worth, I didn't see it that way at all. I feel it was just a way of politely bringing the conversation to a close. Done out of consideration and care not to upset you or anyone else here, and out of consideration for their own mental health. Maybe try to view it as respectful, rather than dismissive or unfriendly. :)

  • Well sucks it has to be that way. I feel autistic people don’t even understand banter with friends either. They always get defensive when you joke about them. And feel like they’re being bullied. Can’t win man can’t win. If you talk to them your screwed because your a ‘bully’ or if you don’t talk to them then your excluding them and don’t want to be friends with them. So yeh can’t win.

  • Well sucks it has to be that way. I feel autistic people don’t even understand banter with friends either. They always get defensive when you joke about them. And feel like they’re being bullied. Can’t win man can’t win. If you talk to them your screwed because your a ‘bully’ or if you don’t talk to them then your excluding them and don’t want to be friends with them. So yeh can’t win.

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