The Paranormal and ufo's and / or Conspiracy theories ?

I could talk all Day about this but  i wanted to Hear Your thoughts or experiences or opinions.
Have You ever had an experience or tale to tell ?
I have experienced things Nobody would ever believe, but they did happen.
Have You ?

  • Relating to conspiracy theories I find that there is often more than a grain of truth in them. I've worked for some companies and organisations who have conspiracy theories relating to them and know enough to understand the core of the story is true but they get over inflated in the telling, sometimes to an absurd degree.

    I have NDAs still in effect for the more interesting ones but it takes some critical reasoning to look at these and not get swept away by the tin foil hat brigades dystopian fantasies. Try to find the provable facts and work from these wherever possible.

    As for the paranormal I did have a interesting experience with a seance when I was 19 that developed a keen interest in ghosts and spirits that I followed for several decades. At the time I was a student of Applied Physics at uni so I very much applied scientific method to the research and got involved with the SPR (Society for Psychic Research) and attended a lot of sessions with them and their researchers.

    The end result was that there was no proof to be had. Loads of interesting phenomenon but nothing reproducable which is a requirement for a scientific experiment.

    I gave up my research part of this in the end but keep an open mind about it an other phenomenon.

    I have experienced things Nobody would ever believe, but they did happen.

    The key to this is can you reproduce the events under controlled circumstances or was physical proof left with you that can be analised. Without this all you have is your perception of an event that is in the past and cannot be revisited or assessed using accurate equipment.

    Human perception is a flexible thing, full of bias and hindered by a lack of understanding. What one person sees as a UFO is another mans private jet seen from an odd angle, ball lightning or low orbiting space debris. I hope there are other explanations but so far there is nothing much in the way of proof after what seem to be millions of sightings.

    Is Earth really that interesting to aliens? If I was them I would stay the hell away from here.

  • Relating to conspiracy theories I find that there is often more than a grain of truth in them. I've worked for some companies and organisations who have conspiracy theories relating to them and know enough to understand the core of the story is true but they get over inflated in the telling, sometimes to an absurd degree.

    I have NDAs still in effect for the more interesting ones but it takes some critical reasoning to look at these and not get swept away by the tin foil hat brigades dystopian fantasies. Try to find the provable facts and work from these wherever possible.

    As for the paranormal I did have a interesting experience with a seance when I was 19 that developed a keen interest in ghosts and spirits that I followed for several decades. At the time I was a student of Applied Physics at uni so I very much applied scientific method to the research and got involved with the SPR (Society for Psychic Research) and attended a lot of sessions with them and their researchers.

    The end result was that there was no proof to be had. Loads of interesting phenomenon but nothing reproducable which is a requirement for a scientific experiment.

    I gave up my research part of this in the end but keep an open mind about it an other phenomenon.

    I have experienced things Nobody would ever believe, but they did happen.

    The key to this is can you reproduce the events under controlled circumstances or was physical proof left with you that can be analised. Without this all you have is your perception of an event that is in the past and cannot be revisited or assessed using accurate equipment.

    Human perception is a flexible thing, full of bias and hindered by a lack of understanding. What one person sees as a UFO is another mans private jet seen from an odd angle, ball lightning or low orbiting space debris. I hope there are other explanations but so far there is nothing much in the way of proof after what seem to be millions of sightings.

    Is Earth really that interesting to aliens? If I was them I would stay the hell away from here.

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